
Vegan 53 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I was agreeing with you, bacon is king of the Saturday sandwich, and in general just disgusted with moral vegans. Ignorant and insulated. They should travel more, except when they do, I have watched dozens of times where they complain in the face of hungry people while visiting other countries that the food isn't moral. It's truly disgusting.
Vegan 53 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I have lived in third world countries multiple times. I held a baby while it had about an hour to live. It was starving to death from kwashiorkor because corn, rice, and beans are NOT FOOD FOR HUMANS. I hope you vegans enjoy your satanic, anti-human religion. Your sociopathic, abusive, emotional spasms are the only reward you will ever get for your efforts. Enjoy your delusion.
In light of increasing obesity rate 58 comments
guest · 9 years ago
This has been a general statement. No particular individuals were addressed.
In light of increasing obesity rate 58 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Why is obesity so offensive, more than sexual perversion? Pornography and sex addiction are a far worse addiction than food. The main reason my friends hate the obese has nothing to do with care for a stranger's health. They only care that the fat girl or fat guy are the opposite of sexually attractive. So what is the real problem? Pornography is accepted and simply understood as normal. But someone gets a hard-on over a burger and the rest of the country wants to lock them up until they look f*ckable again. the problem is that the world has become oversexed. Staring at porn all night is normal, and your significant other can go to hell; but eat An extra box of fries and PUT THEM IN AN INSTITUTION! DRIVE THEM TO SUICIDE!!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA SEE A FAT VAGINA!!!! The people who think fat people are the ones with a problem should look at their lifetime internet history before we talk about uncontrolled appetites. Hypocrites.