
Those eyes 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Gonna be a beauty when she is all grown up!!
Best motivational pictures 24 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Best motivational pictures 24 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Say you are blind then it is not realistic to say that they and learn to see again if they try hard enough.
I think what thethirdi is trying to say is that at a moment in time you are only able to do so much. I used to be paralysed in my right leg and I used to try to push myself beyond my limits and that almost cost me the ability to ever regain mobility, in the short story- sometimes you have to accept that you have done enough for that moment in time and maybe the next say you can continue to try your best. As long ad you never give up and keep going then you will reach where you want to be.