
The best way to take a bath in the morning 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The wonders of being rich
Oh Ellen. 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Ellen went there
A quick tutorial on how to have lucid dreams 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Sleep paralysis isn't necessarily "bad" for you unless it's disrupting your daily life. If you don't sleep as much as you should because of the sleep disorder, then it's a problem. Nothing is wrong with you mentally, it's just how your brain is working right now. It's a frightening experience, but you're definitely on the right track by telling yourself it will be over soon.
^This one's from Yahoo Answers and explains perfectly.
A quick tutorial on how to have lucid dreams 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Kass, I agree with you, it all sounds super scary. But hallucinations, afore all, only occur if you exhaust your brain to the point where every time you set yourself to nap time you decide to lucid dream, that's when the brain gets tired and starts projecting the sub-conscious side's thoughts or creations onto your real present time. That's also when you'll most need to remember ie. during an exhausted brain's dream, that it's only a dream. Which is why it is always advised that you sleep well and don't deprive yourself from a good night's sleep & okay the first 'tip' that which is mentioned doesn't happen, it is very unlikely like 0.7% (not a definite figure but symbolises the possible cases) chances of it happening, and in those 0.7% times, there's a 90% chance that you'll always know that it's a dream. Because duh! You (i) have slept well; (ii) just napped while you made you brain dream, so how the fudge will your brain just jump into a dream with your eyes wide open? Isn't true.