Come on. You really can't be that uneducated 4 comments
· 8 years ago
What? Some ppl think it didn't happen. Why would someone make that up. And also why will anyone benefit from saying the earth is round????
A note to Apple regarding any new phones 12 comments
· 9 years ago
On a unrelated note... is the site looking weird to anyone or just me? :( it is annoying
Let the games begin. 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Android here. I just think I don't want to pay for an iphone phone. Too pricey for me who don't use a phone to its full potential and spend years and years with one phone. I just hate apple sheeps (the obsessed apple fans who ive come to dislike. Not all) who make fun of my phone when i just don't care for phones
"All asians look the same" 27 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually is men with dark hair and light eyes :o just like the girls.... When they first became famous i couldn't tell katy perry from zoey dechanel (idk her last name so it's probably wrong)
Kayne West doing his Kanye Best 64 comments