Only you! 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Im sorry but I don't blame Ark... I mean I smoke and if i'd drop it for you then obviously i care about you a lot and you go and do something like that to me? Yeah i'd choose cigarettes over you... I mean come on.
Bad luck Ahmed 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually he was told by the first teacher to not show it to anyone else because it might be taken the wrong way, which he ignored. So under the first amendment which states that you may not cause an unnecessary panic, like yelling fire in a crowded theater, which was probably caused because, let's be perfectly honest here, it kind of looked like a bomb.
Fast & Furious 7's logic... Seriously Wtf? 11 comments
· 9 years ago
not exactly most things that are bullet proof are plexiglass and it isn't that heavy
3 pills 85 comments
· 9 years ago
Wish pill, Disease immune pill (bc i don't want to cure the world of stds XD), and money pill
Story of my life right there 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Sometimes I draw people with cannon arms or stub arms because I don't want to draw a second hand...
"You break her heart, I break your neck" 15 comments
He's So Scared 8 comments
Or not? 38 comments
Deep thoughts indeed. 10 comments
· 10 years ago
False. George Washington and Alexander Hamilton were part of the Lemon party - its part of the reason why they did not support political parties
Nice job on the t-shirt design, bro... 75 comments
Doctor's Face Says It All 16 comments
damn europe 7 comments
reason #113 why I love her 18 comments
How To Say ‘I Love You’ Around The World 40 comments
HueHueHueHue 8 comments
I didnt even notice 31 comments