
i know this isn't funny but i really want to share it. 62 comments
guest · 9 years ago
In my country the rights to adopt a child are linked to marriage so homosexual partners can't adopt children here because they can't marry eachother in the same way heterosexual partners can. Marriage is a concept that has been created by humans long ago. We need to adapt this concept to the reality of our world. We always did that. The Bible says that you can't say no to your partner if he/she wants to have sex. You're his/her partner so you have to give your body to him/her if he/she wants it. The Bible says that's your duty. Today we say that is rape. Because we see that this rule does not fit into our society. So we got rid of it. Not letting homosexuals marry is the same thing. We need to get rid of it because it does not match today's society anymore.
i know this isn't funny but i really want to share it. 62 comments
guest · 9 years ago
To the second guest: My God does not have anything against homosexuals. I don't know where some Christians take the right to call homosexuality a sin and see it as their sole purpose to keep them from living their lives. And as an adult who suffered through 10 years of biology class in school I know that EVERYONE gets STDs and Aids. There is no causal link between homosexuality and STDs/Aids.
Sincerely, First Guest