I thought what we had was special! 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I would have changed it to "served me dinner" because usually waitresses don't make the food...but it could still have the same effect. I'm being a buzzkill, sorry.
(For those of you who don't get why it's funny, Frank Iero is a former rock-band member) 14 comments
I get it 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I was about to say "Not with that attitude, she's not." You clearly have won. No further comments needed.
Yes you are! 7 comments
Technology 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I didn't downvote, but nowadays in order to do most jobs or get things done, you have to interact with some kind of technology. When children are young, they are able to learn and pick things up quicker and easier because their brains are at a certain stage of development. My family got our first computer when I was five. I wasn't forced, but I was curious and took an interest. I learned and developed troubleshooting skills by tinkering with it, and now I'm in IT. Not everyone will end up there, but again most jobs require some basic computer knowledge and the ability to figure out how general concepts work. We have a lot of nurses/doctors where I work that are older and didn't develop those skills. They don't fix computers or need to, but they use technology to log patient information and for making sure their pay checks are accurate amongst other things, and they have a lot of trouble. If they're going to need these tools in the future, why not teach them when it is easier for them?
"i do what i please" 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't care what you look like, getting busted for cocaine takes your attractiveness wayyyyyyy down.
Ogling 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Shouldn't a teacher say something to the extent of "please don't ogle me, I am a teacher and you are students. That isn't going to happen." The guy could be into trees and small woodland creatures, it shouldn't matter.
Seriously, why the double standard. 18 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm gay and I couldn't agree more with the sentiments here. I am really tired of people and their need to draw attention to themselves. Nobody is special for being gay and I feel like the egos come from an unchecked self-defense mechanism. I am not gay #43204768, I am a human being with my own personality, merits, and flaws. I happen to be attracted to men, it is a part of me but it doesn't define me. It drives me nuts when people refuse to take responsibility for their own crappy behavior and try to bring up discrimination. You want to be proud of who you are and want everyone to know, great. I didn't choose to be gay any more than I chose to have brown hair. How can I take credit and flaunt something that I had no hand in? I choose to be proud of the things that are in my control that I have accomplished with my own behavior and attitude. You can't whine and moan about equality and then expect special treatment or immunity to consequences whenever you feel like it.
Known as Antimicrobial Copper 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Lol if pennies were made from pure copper, they'd be worth a lot more than what they are.
Kiss my ass prank gone bloody wrong 7 comments
· 10 years ago
The "prank" if that is what you call acting like a tool nowadays wasn't funny but the guy who hit him should be on a leash. What a terrible animal. Never a reason for violence.
THIS IS AWESOME (a cappella cover of all of me) 1 comments
· 10 years ago
That's pretty nice, it's a shame his voice is just kind of ok though. Not trying to be hateful.