It has begun 23 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm sorry. My communication skills suck. Reading my orignal post back that...came off condescending. I guess what I was trying to get at was that they didn't shut the experiment down and that it wasn't something like oh my Jesus we created a different form of consciousness kind of thing.
It has begun 23 comments
· 7 years ago
You're going to have to type in the https part yourself.
You're going to have to type in the https part yourself.
It has begun 23 comments
· 7 years ago
Well.i would link it but it wont let me. Maybe it's cause I'm a guest..? Seen links in comments before. Anyway. They didnt.
It has begun 23 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh jeez guys....please research information before you believe everything. Thanks.
Since my grandma came here for Christmas, these have been magically appearing everywhere 5 comments
· 8 years ago
So. I started nursing school and totally figured out why old people always have candies with them. Alot of medications especially for the heart makes your mouth very dry and candies help with the dry mouth esp when they have fluid restrictions (are only allowed to drink so much water/liquids per day)!
Pokéfeels 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Or. Love this episode. Because it taught you how cruel people really are and how kind tour heart is.
This is how you can draw perfect lips 9 comments
I'm watching you 1 comments
· 8 years ago
I like this cause that's what my face looks like when I'm tired but refusing to go to bed
Everyone with Suicide Squad 23 comments
· 8 years ago
I love the movie!! The only part of the movie that i didnt like though was when the enchantress says "you don't have the balls". Snapped me right out of the mood. Like. She is an ancient goddess. She does not talk like that!
Now I see why beluga whales where mistaken as mermaids 9 comments
· 8 years ago
That is seriously creepy! Why is it protruding like that. I thought animals that looked like that didn't really have the leg part of the skeleton. Wtf is going on. Why does it look like legs.
Found the heart of my ex 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Everytime I see this post I always think that it's a gold heart incased in ice. You know as if she was good once and then.. well u know. Life.
Wearing a dress 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Worst part about this is when you do because it seems like a good idea at the time. But then your butt cheeks start to sweat and it runs down your leg all day. But then the next time it's hot... it's like... i shall risk this.
We get it 16 comments
· 8 years ago
What about the chemical that causes popcorn lung? Or has that bern phased out? Or maybe made illegal? Cause i totally stopped vaping when i saw all those articles about that.
The trans restroom thing was never an issue all along 37 comments
· 8 years ago
If I was Trans I would never give myself up like that going into a men's bathroom dressed as a women first of all. And how are you going to enforce this? Stand a police man in the miss please pull up your skirt so I can look at your genitals?
Fabulous star wars contest 9 comments
They're not the asshole... You are 20 comments
· 9 years ago
There technically is no such thing as a fast lane. It's I'm gonna be on this road for awhile lane and I'm not staying long or I'm getting off soon lane. It makes sense when you don't take the speed limit as a suggestion.
Fu**ed up..!! 6 comments
· 9 years ago
And them seeing.posts like this...knowing that it wasn't them..but that tin foil hat self hoping that it was.
It's a sad world 11 comments
· 9 years ago
As much as losing customers sounds bad and all that for the individual who created witholding information that could technically make it cheaper because so many companies are creating it etc and a person who is sick can get better cheap so bad? Morally. Not...capitalisticly
Lets see how this goes 90 comments
· 9 years ago
I think black people boycotting the Oscars because there are no black nominees is.. not a there is no diversity thing. I think its a chip on their shoulder thing. Theres no Asians or Hispanics or whatever either. Like if your gonna make it a race issue don't make it a black vs white thing
Should I post more of these? 17 comments
· 9 years ago
"Beer than men"... Joke is joke. But as much as this sites been getting this ..stuff. Meh.
Is this really the first thing women do when they arrive home? 36 comments
· 9 years ago
On the smaller scale of tig o bitties. But depending on when I get close to to my womanly bleeding session.. I am or am not this. Boobs tend to get sore and freedom is welcome. But sometimes gravity hurts just as much.
Anatomically correct love 7 comments
· 9 years ago
You lucky twat. And i say that with love as girlfriends do even though I don't know you because I am terribly happy for you and jelly belly at the same time. Your bf is pretty awesome.
This post is me, I am this post 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Have you ever thought to yourself in the middle of those abusive thoughts... who the fuck is saying that. Is that me? Which is quickly replaced by that voice telling you how terrible you are?
Snape is truly in the zone 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Sounds like unconditional love. Love even if it's not returned. Sad but so very sweet.
*Siri turn on left blinker* 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Also. Use it properly. What's the point of blink twice while your cutting me off. Blinkers are supposed to be used like "yo. You see me? You see my shit blinking right. I'm letting you know that I am going to cut you off before I actually commit the act."
Life is unfair 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I saw it on Google news a while back. Go search. I should've known better to say something like that without having the link to provide for people like you.
Life is unfair 12 comments
· 9 years ago
So apparently the science guys did a study on something like this and apparently this statement is true.
everybody's tryinnnnnnnnnng 52 comments
· 9 years ago
Please sont stop sephoria. It's okay to find these funny. All these people who don't are afraid of change. They no longer know where to stand. And that's okay they'll figure it out. You just do you.
Awesome bikers against child abuse 9 comments
Times Noob Roman 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes. Data entry. Does this to me. No one cares about ur fucking comment on why you chose that option. Your just making my life harder.
Grooms blown away by their gorgeous brides 19 comments
The knitting clock 17 comments
Just british things 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Sorry. I'm not in the fandom. So like.... is all those filled with condements? All I see is odd salt and pepper shakers.
Never had one before... The feels! 29 comments
· 9 years ago
Also. Staph. I'm having one of those female days. I can't stop the outflow of feelings through tears. And I'm trying real hard to give him not an emo filled period day. XD.