
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
What is this backwards logic? Why is it that when women bring up equal rights you MRA bring up equal violence? If you want to stand behind something stand behind equal rights in such that women are punished equally in cases of domestic abuse against men. Not that violence against women is okay. This is why the MRA dont get any respect at all.
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Have you guys been beat up by a girl before? Because thats what you sound like.
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Theres a reason why women and men are not allowed to compete in athletics. There is also a reason why any sort of fighting athletic competitions like boxing ufc etc have weight classes and they can only fight within that class. Abuse towards any sex or gender is wrong however unless this girl is literally twice your size in height and weight we all know there is going to be a significant difference in the amount of damage they would cause to your body versus if the guy hit her.
FEEL OLD YET? 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Omg. Why. R they really this old?
This is a bit harsh 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Take a second picture of the two with the shirts swtiched. Would be terrible growing up as a twin knowing that the parents just chose one and said "I pick you, you were the one I would have chosen to be born and you are the one I wouldn't have"
Pureblood slytherin hermione 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
This lady is hot as fuuuuuck no matter the colors people put on her.
Let the games begin. 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I just realized it was apple vs android!. But to the words in itself. If your the only person who doesnt like it and it does not violate the human right to be an individual, if it does not hurt anyone but the person themselves, if it does not affect change in the world in a negative way, etc. Its your attitude. Otherwise change it!
Please, just for one day! 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Agreed. But at the same time. Its not like companies actually claim all chemicals and such in their products even though its legally required of them too. Along with the fact that more chemicals have not been tested to see if it causes harmful effects on humans than those that have been tested. And those products are being eated, chewed on, brushed with, slathered, worn, drink in out of, worn, etc. And a lot of people think that there is a company or bureau that is looking out for us or something of that nature. Well. There is Noone actually doing that. Look it up. The fda receives studies paid for by the companies that are selling the product which is completely biased. So. Its kind of already happening because well...warning labels only tell half the story. Yay for us =D.
As someone who worked in customer service for 4 years 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Your right but I also think im right too XD. Were both right. No one deserves to be treated like that. But like I said its kind of in the job requirements to be able to deal wth honary shits as well. In my experience its always best to make them feel like an asshole for being an asshole. Its all in your tone of voice and demeanor. If you dont break it they start feeling like a shit. And Ive had some good luck with a temporary agency when it comes to job choices. you should look into it maybe?
Horrifying social experiment proves how easy it is to kidnap teenage girls 47 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Omfg. I am never having kids.
I heard you guys love Batman 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I love how everyone is defending the book. XD. I love reading with the book in my hands.
So... This is how society works 32 comments
guest · 9 years ago
America. The greatest country in the world.. Im glad someone else sees this
I have to do this one day 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Why do such assholes exist. Stay out of my life.
How old? 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I always thought adults had the answer. And now that I'm an adult....its all bullshit. They only know what caused them pain and misery. So there is value in wisdom of age. However... they have no idea of the path that you will be taking in life. They may have wisdom to offer. But it's your life. Your path. Listen to those who have experienced or dont. It's up to you. It's your journey.
An Elephant never forgets 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Let's put it this way.I forgot the word so I'll say a storyline form. To be a bad person is easy. One bad thing can make you a bad person. Example..murder. doesn't matter if you spent your whole life making up for a murder. At the end of the day. You are a murder. However when it comes to being a good person, it takes every ounce of behavior and patience to be that person. It takes a life long commit to truly be good. So if a person, man or women has not been given that conformation that he or she is desirable in a sexual manner and someone comes along saying omg your beautiful. . Well. Can you blame them for not believing you? It's more likely that those people are trying to get something from you rather than really meaning it. And if any guys read this far. Action s matter. Actions sometimes more than words make a women feel needed, beautiful. Maybe men who hear this should take a look at their actions!. Be passionate we LOVE that.
:'D 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Girl power. We need more of this
Yeah..."attacked" 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Double standards 30 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yeap. Likes to you mr. Or mrs. Whatever. XD
Double standards 30 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Agreed with second comment guest! And also its the tone. It is totally take that feminists.
Rape is NOT a GENDER issue. It is a HUMAN RIGHTS issue.
This life size baymax sofa bed is what I need to hug while I sleep! 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Gimme a pattern. Make this shit myself yo.
Not any sign, the sign 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I am a prude tease b*tch 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Your right.
Every time I see something like this, it always makes me think...why are men so afraid of us and our sex..? Are women really like sirens to men?
Kindness on the roads 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
J sifjgbgoshig I want this. I need to figure out how to use my hazard lights.
I am a prude tease b*tch 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Let's call me guest2. This is kinda true though. I have a lot of guy friends and can talk dirty like the best of em. But. This does haopen. So. Mehhhhhh. It usually just means that he's hurt though =/
I thought everyone could use this. 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I like that he used the pronoun she. Not because boys shouldn't get this message. Everyone should be told this everyday. But he is just always the go to pronoun.
We need to come up with a new pronoun that refer to both sexes. That way people can say these things and be really speaking to the whole audience and not half. I guess he could say one? But when one speaks in this fashion one sounds like Bicentennial man.
Good guy burglar 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Even bad guys have morals
Ah, so this was how 6th grade was supposed to be 87 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Why is Noone bothered by the fact that this stupid twat is talking about having sex and doing drugs and alcohol in the sixth grade?. I hadn't even kissed a boy in the 6th grade let alone drugs. Omg. I don't want kids. Thus did it for me.
This is literally super sweet & cute ♥ 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I teared up.
At least things are improving 94 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yes. This is what I've been saying for fucking ever.
Alright Satan That's Enough For Today 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Some dumb shit is going to look in the oxi clean tub and think to himself. Oh my new oreo product? Has to be. Eat it and die. Thats on you satan.
This looks so much fun. 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
.. this post is so old. But I have to say. Do none of you see the fence?
Gee lemme think 40 comments
guest · 9 years ago
DC had the woman more sexualized than marvel.
This must have been awkward 16 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Kids grow up too fast these days. Sex before puberty and shit. Probably best. Though. If I was them I'd be pretty pissed about it XD. Dad should sit further away too.
This is pure evil 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Uh. This is a appropriate response for the situation however you should consider using something that is edible. Nasty but edible. Let that happen to someone stupid enough and they might die.
Payment 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Where is this. I will invest in a small game pellet gun for this.
i thought it was genius 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Don't eat it. It mighat have cancer. Burn that con shit so that it may not reproduce.
Animal Track Identification Guide 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Love it. Love love. At the same time I wanted the animal prints the be more realistic. Seems to have been pressed into the sand instead I'd walking animals. But wtf do I know. I'm prolly the one of the assholes who left a trail behind like that. What would I know
A friend who is a property manager just sent me this 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Nope this shit is not okay. Property managers are the one of the worst people in this world. Serious though. Like. Wanna fucking do some damage. Say that shit to my face
Idiot tries to pass off like she's farmer, gets called out by real farmer 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Work tomorrow. Got to sleep. I may or may not be back depending on whether I can find this or not tomorrow!
Idiot tries to pass off like she's farmer, gets called out by real farmer 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Why do we have to fight to see what they are actually feeding us? Please. If you can provide adequate information, allow all of us to know what really happens. Not just words on a website. Allow tourism into those factories that provide us our food. And we'll there really is only a handful... like 5 meat industries etc. Then please do. Please. I would prefer to trust.
Idiot tries to pass off like she's farmer, gets called out by real farmer 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Our constitutional rights? Why are we not allowed to know what's really going on? Why do we have to fight for this? Why does the fda have to file a lawsuit to regain it's right to look into the factories and have a say what is legal to put into our foods and not?
Idiot tries to pass off like she's farmer, gets called out by real farmer 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Well. If they tell you and not show you... I wouldn't believe it either. If there is video evidence...? I don't know. More research is needed.
And when it comes to your question. . This can be deduced from the fact that the fast food industry are not legally obligated to let you know what your calorie intake is per meal that has been ordered. They have legally fought against this and won. Yet we do have a law that requires all other mass produced foods, usually prepared, to provide a nutrition label. And no one would argue that anything from from Mc Donalds has not been fully prepared before it really got heated up.
Well maybe that doesn't answer your question. Have you or anyone else that really didn't matter, I mean the ones who can argue and debate like me or you (I really didn't mean offense to you when I said "didn't matter" but against these industries we are only bigger together), get to see the inner workings of what's really going on? Why are we not allowed..
Idiot tries to pass off like she's farmer, gets called out by real farmer 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Wtf is earthlings. Sounds like a sci-fi movie. And I don't know why your defending people who are legally not allowed to tell you what's going on with the food that is going into your body because they will literally lose everything and possibly go to jail. Lets take the beef industry for example. We are literally not allowed to say anything negative about it or you will get sued. Oprah knows. Lucky for her she's a billionaire and has the money to match the beef industries lawyers. But at the same time I understand the farmers are small people in a maze of fucked up. Maybe this part isn't true.. but who the fuck really knows?! Cause they can't really tell you.
Idiot tries to pass off like she's farmer, gets called out by real farmer 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Can you blame the person for not really knowing? Do you know where your food comes from and how it's raised etc?. None of us do. Not really. And those farmer guys, their just trying to defend themselves. It just puts everyone in a party. Like the fucking government. Ugh. I'm just gonna stop here.
Idiot tries to pass off like she's farmer, gets called out by real farmer 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Can you blame the
There is a difference! 25 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Whichever one you got just act like your a car. Otherwise expect to die one of those times you decide to be an asshole.
Mutated flowers at Fukushima 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Shouldn't we.... like pluck those and make sure they don't create offspring?
When you start a new game as a level 1 warrior 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Who just has chain mail just sitting around. XD. Curious. Cute tho!
Family on display 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Other guest I don't understand what's wrong with being an animal rights activists. Part of being a great human is being compassionate towards those who can't do for themselves, fighting for those who can't speak.