
Comedy legend 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Actually, Mr. Bean says a few words..
Arnold is Perfect 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
what a shame...
this hurt my heart.... 62 comments
guest · 9 years ago
gay agenda...
wonderful 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
R.I.P Cecil (poaching is never acceptable) 21 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yeah...let's cry and complain for a dead lion...this must be the worst deed of a human being...#hypocriteworld
He's a jerk 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Dont you get tired of all this gay shit?
The Gay Agenda 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It's not about what they have in's about what it's going to happen, and when it does, we'll talk again...just wait!
The Gay Agenda 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Real Gay Agenda Next Goal: Legalize Pedophilia
The war of the pepes 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Anyone who dont like gays or disagree with them is evil and homophobic by definition?...Am I obligated to agree with them or I will became homophobic too?...NAZIGAYS, That's what they are...
The war of the pepes 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The picture say that you judge by a picture....where are your tolerance now?...GAY AGENDA AGENTS...
Alien Batman believes in gender equality 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
He don't believe on shitty equality. He just want to punish the bad guys...
Now everyone can marry who they love. It was a good day♥︎ 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
love wins:D 56 comments
guest · 9 years ago
love wins??...AIDS wins!!
Day 229 of your daily dose of cute: Good job USA... love wins!! 2 comments
guest · 9 years ago
love wins??...AIDS wins!!
Congratulations U.S.!! 70 comments
guest · 9 years ago
if you're heterosexual, that's NOT cool...nowadays you have to become, at least, one of others "options"...
show this to everyone 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
without marryng, aren't they already live and sleep together?? It's all about gay agenda from KGB...
Love is love. Dont be stupid. 36 comments
guest · 9 years ago
failure argumment...
What's in my mind every time someone bashes gay marriage or atheism 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
failure arguments
Well done Ireland! 29 comments
guest · 9 years ago
well done my ass...
Why are People Against It? 126 comments
guest · 9 years ago
failure freak arguments...
As a fundamentalist atheist, I can relate 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
dumb message