
Justin Bieber? Music? 20 comments
guest · 11 years ago
He was found as a mostly faceless Youtube act. So, seriously* prove you can take a joke and shut the fuck up.
His mum must have laughed so hard 87 comments
guest · 11 years ago
it's because it's not racist. it's the antics of a child.
The British empire 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
sorry for assuming
The British empire 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
why do i keep getting down voted for answering the first guy's question? is dx8 a little butthurt about being wrong?
The British empire 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Actually, all of the actions of Canadian Parliament have to be approved by the Governor General; who stands as a direct representative to British Parliament. A.K.A. The British Empire.
10th grade history.
Unless you are in an online relationship...Then this meme doesn't matter 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
that strange moment when i started my marriage with that laptop
I mean seriously 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I care, I'm just not worried.
How I see my car 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Pikachu has more power than that car.
Gamers can see what's in this pan of fruit 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
the point is that a non-gamer is less likely to know what they're seeing
Altered Realities 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
met my fiance on WoW.
Nick has balls of steel 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
back in my day 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
well, they did. they were just even more confused and hated.
Death to beliebers? 41 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I kind of want to go to one of his shows just to help people out and kick some belieber ass.
Meanwhile In Canada 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
American's might look like this, but we're actually still in shorts at this point.
Bruce Wayne will always be the king 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
But in Tony's "genius" status he has a lot of what Batsy has. When did he become an expert in thermonuclear physics? Then night before. It took Bruce years of schooling to get to Tony's natural level.
Pokemon logic 10 comments
guest · 11 years ago
not all winged insects can fly in the sense that a bee does. plus, sycther's wings are too small to produce the lift necessary for extended flight. at best he could flop about like a chicken
sorry gaston 1 comments
guest · 11 years ago
i have dark hairs everywhere except the bottom of my feet and the palms of my hands.
Let's settle this 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
but where are the other two?
Dora The Exploder by Michael Bay 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
where's the lens flare?
German kitty's watermelon 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
learning German from memes. /Win
You're not weird, you're one of a kind 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
i do believe it's because of the smile
Cleverbot doesn't play around 1 comments
guest · 11 years ago
not sure if Satan could get the job done..
A big toothbrush 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
who gets to use their iphone headset at work? o.O
What Happens Next? 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
wasn't windows 95 before 98?
Land and water reversed 19 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Just noting that the guest who posted about bitching, was in fact not the original. The original gave a thumb to lime
Anxiety in one screenshot 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
the beta is available. my fiance has had it since July.
Land and water reversed 19 comments
guest · 11 years ago
The world has more water now, it would be more likely for us to be an aquatic species in our current world. In the backwards world there would be more land for us to thrive on. My question was about the knowledge of land vs water. We currently know so little about our oceans because of the size and depth. Would we know as much about our, much larger, lands as we know about our real world lands? Would there be mountains and forests where there were animals and plants that nobody has ever seen as there are in the oceans today?
Boom! Head shot 16 comments
guest · 11 years ago
fourth team member must be her best friend on the team.
How I feel on spinny carnival rides 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
this isn't tumblr, or chive, though i feel i must say it. Find her.
Land and water reversed 19 comments
guest · 11 years ago
would parts of land still be undiscovered? in the sense that we've discovered so little of the oceans.
Waiting for new episodes 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
The greatest gift to the world 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
England's greatest gift was Canada. Possibly Australia.
And kids, this is how I met your mother! 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
i met my fiance on WoW
Wow, dewey is the man 21 comments
guest · 11 years ago
“The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
Latvia joke 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
poverty, corruption, poor English grammar because they "translated" it.o_O
Shoepants 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
There is a seam in the place none of you wanted to look. There is no need to lace the pants as there is a zipper, and likely a button too.
Humans Did Not Evolve From Monkeys 56 comments
guest · 11 years ago
“The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
A police officer always looks out for his partner 3 comments
guest · 11 years ago
sad to say, this is Ontario's highway patrol.
Who copies who now? 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
i had that mp3 player. it had the best sound enhancers i've used on a music player yet.
You know you're in the ghetto when 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
N 15th St & Enterprise St, Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois 62702, United States
Every time 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
because everyone not dumb enough to be an interesting plot line already has one