
This senator is smart 44 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I just want to say(hopefully w/out offending anyone)evolution does not mean one thing evolved from another (such as Pikachu into raichu) and the first thing disappeared. It means that an organism has evolved into different habitats to better support their life. a better way to put it is to say that a common ancestor of the lizard and the alligator is a fish.The fish still exists today because the population of the fish as a whole didn't change, just a small portion that had been separated from the original group and survived better when it was close to land so it developed legs (keep in mind this happened over a long period of time and Darwin theory of evolution showcased this. Also this is just an example)This population could have then separated again and one half found that the bigger they were the better the chances of mating and producing offspring(the alligator)the other half found that being smaller was easier to catch bugs and prey so as to help feed their offspring(the lizard)