A blue hope 9 comments
· 9 years ago
h ttp://
Copy on phone take to a printing shop you're welcome
Copy on phone take to a printing shop you're welcome
And I don't think they're aware of it 15 comments
Cereal guy 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Omg he's so sexy
Why can't there be a majority of good looking men it's very rare to see hot men
There are more beautiful women than there are good looking men just love to see the day when guys wear cycle gear as normal clothing to show the shapes of their dicks so my boyfriend knows what it feels like when I stare at their dicks in tight ass pants all the time lol
Why can't there be a majority of good looking men it's very rare to see hot men
There are more beautiful women than there are good looking men just love to see the day when guys wear cycle gear as normal clothing to show the shapes of their dicks so my boyfriend knows what it feels like when I stare at their dicks in tight ass pants all the time lol
Easy way to find a boyfriend 7 comments
You have been warned 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Boys only want love if it's torcher
Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn ya
Sorry last part got that song in my head lol
Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn ya
Sorry last part got that song in my head lol
Is this a calendar? 3 comments
Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Na-Na 7 comments
What did the horse do? 4 comments
I wish rap artists made cereal 6 comments
Sassy 5 comments
· 9 years ago
No when someone says your ugly you say thanks I was trying to look like you today!!
Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
Nice job on the t-shirt design, bro... 75 comments
A visual weather forecaster 10 comments
Consider that a warning 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Plot twist; it was supposed say:
Sorry you were rude to me now you don't get to give me your hot dog.
Sorry you were rude to me now you don't get to give me your hot dog.
Isn't that the guy from Sherlock? 10 comments
Really. We all thought she said 28 comments
when you sleeping in class and you remember how much college costs 22 comments
· 10 years ago
Why does she always have to wear her pedophile attracting nude outfit always
So inappropriate!
So inappropriate!
Copy on phone take to a printing shop you're welcome