
What not to do in 15 countries 73 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Pues si es un artículo sobre portarse bien en otro pais, se tiene que acostumbrarse a las palabritas que se usa en aquel país, pinche gringo
PETA = Bullshit and lies 67 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The populations of natural predators in America are largely wiped out. Fur-bearing animal populations must be kept in check to prevent plagues from wiping them out, too. So now it's our job to cull the extra game or they will eat all the food supplies and die by the tens of millions of starvation and disease, like happened in Jersey in the 70's. It's that, or re-introduce grizzlies, panthers, wolves, and black bears back into the areas surrounding urban areas. Yeah. That will go over like a lead buzzard.
PETA = Bullshit and lies 67 comments
guest · 9 years ago
*sheared. sheer means abrupt.
PETA = Bullshit and lies 67 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I rub tar on my bad wounds. We did it to the dogs too. It disinfects and seals the cut. Crap people use tar shampoo for dandruff what is the big hairy caleidescope deal people?
PETA = Bullshit and lies 67 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I think PETA does anything it has to to get funded, especially lying. It's not like PETA is appealing to a remotely sane, well-educated, or emotionally stable group of people. The folks who support (worship) PETA already live in a psychotic fantasy world. They enjoy their own lies that they tell each other, and they rejoice even moreso in the lies their leaders tell them. i mean frick they should go kick a bear in the balls and then talk about how much you want to let it live after it eats their stomach to the spine. Come on. Animals thems is danjeriss.