My fellow Aussies will know the feeling 42 comments
I'm not saying basketball players aren't tough, wait no, that's exactly what I'm saying 39 comments
· 9 years ago
I am a basketball player and I will admit some people fake injuries, and some are weak...then come back to play. I know a kid who got out of school bc apparently his knee was too bad...but was at the basketball courts the same day.
This is huge 21 comments
· 9 years ago
29.5 inch basketballs are usually men's basketballs, and girls usually use 28.5 (boys at a younger age (like teens i think) use it too) inch ball. So yeah, it kinda makes sense that it's recommended for boys.
And from experience, 29.5 inch basketballs are a little bit heavier than 28.5 inch basketballs bc of how much more air can fit into it
And from experience, 29.5 inch basketballs are a little bit heavier than 28.5 inch basketballs bc of how much more air can fit into it
Axe throwing is Canada's sport now 9 comments
Especially in Hungary. What about you guys? 88 comments
· 9 years ago
When does one consider themselves to be in a fandom? Do you like need a tumblr for it? Is there an application? I must know
The science behind a cat's power button 1 comments
· 9 years ago
It's a thing from when they are kittens. Their mother would hold them by the scruff and they'd do that
Ignorance 16 comments
· 9 years ago
thats then you rub your hands all over you cousin, then all over the other kid.
Hunger Games 10 comments
· 9 years ago
TEY actually have to choose older actors BC of some role about teens and work or something like that
Little does she know... 7 comments
We also like to be the little spoon! 24 comments
It just happened on me... So weird 20 comments
What!?? 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I thought like eye tears so you wouldn't cry or something if it got into your eye... (.-. )
I have a long list of my favorite characters who died -sobs- 14 comments
· 10 years ago
a couple of mine are
a. a serial killer (but it's okay...he only kills the monsters people anymore. ..he was funny and dooffy okay?)
b. a bugged video game character (this one was just stupid. It was funny)
I believe we have a problem here
a. a serial killer (but it's okay...he only kills the monsters people anymore. ..he was funny and dooffy okay?)
b. a bugged video game character (this one was just stupid. It was funny)
I believe we have a problem here
They played the long game 18 comments
· 10 years ago
...the ring bearer looks like a little Felix Kjeilberg (i...I think that's how you spell Pewd's last name lmao)
All he ever wanted was to be loved 6 comments
· 10 years ago
But Voldy couldn't love, BC his mummy decided to do the fricklefrackle w RiddleSr, who was under a love potion. Since Voldy was conceived under a love potion, he can't love.
I blame Merope. ( T-T) (I think that was her name)
I blame Merope. ( T-T) (I think that was her name)
I'm 14 years old 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Well kudos to you for not drinking. There's still kids out there that day no to alcohol. There's dfill hope \(~u~)/
As a guy who lives alone 13 comments
· 10 years ago
We sit down to pee and poo, guys stand to pee and sit to poo. So we use twice as much toilet paper bc we simply can't shake pee off our peepee.
We are Sun-Eaters 10 comments
What about the men 17 comments
· 10 years ago don't carry small humans in their tummies for nine months once you think about it but I'm not saying either gender is better. They have their pros and cons
As a drummer I know this feeling all to well 11 comments
This is a butterfly with bilateral gynandromorphism making it both male 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes male and female. The green side is male (the pretty side attracts the ladies) and the grey side is female. It's bigger, dunno why since I thougt it just laid its eggs and leaves