
If dogs were actually fonts 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I don't know why this makes sense but it does
WOW 58 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Education should be a right not a privilege and those who are willing to go to collage should be able to without their parent working 95 hours per week
A very common gender inequality that rarely makes headlines 27 comments
guest · 9 years ago
the mum were the abusive one it would be even more likely that she'd get more custody which is not okay. Sorry for the long post and if you've kept reading this far here's a virtual cookie.
A very common gender inequality that rarely makes headlines 27 comments
guest · 9 years ago
My dad was married to another woman before my mum and they had two kids when she threatened to move states and take my brother and sister with her but didn't, she then got custody of apart from every second weekend which dad got until my half sister got kicked out of home by her mother and started living full time with us but we still never see the brother.
On the other side however the sister was then in a mostly emotional but also a bit physical abusive relationship. After splitting up he broke into their house with a knife and it was only because she'd foreseen that that she wasn't home and everyone was okay. There was a 3 year old and 4 month old at the time the separated. The 3 year old kept saying that he "didn't want to see Daddy" and that "Daddy hit me when Mummy wan't home" but he still got weekends for the 3 year old and a couple of supervised hours for the 4 month old until she was finished breast feeding when he'd get weekends. However if this were the other way around and