
This is how the world sees Canada? 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago
That's okay. I'm from the deep south US, and last time I was in Yonkers, New York I was asked at a party how many black slaves my family owns. They weren't being mean or snarky, they really thought we still keep slaves down here. And by the way, I've never been to a more racist place worldwide in my entire life than some of the more backward parts of New England. I dunno. Maybe Canada would be a calmer place to exist. Nice folks up there.
This is how the world sees Canada? 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Beavertails are so chewy. You have to slow cook them for two whole days to get them right. It's worse than getting the root of a beef tongue softened. And don't get me started on skinning the tail. Who the frick decided that pure cartilage and sinew boiled two days in glacier water is some kind of superior food to end all foods???