Just in case you didn't know 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Wow, totally don't tell us the name of the satelitte or anything...
Can we just talk about how hot Taissa Farmiga is??? 17 comments
· 9 years ago
As a man to another man... Could everyone stop using hot as an addjectve to describe beautiful women? Hot is usually used to describe the tempature of items, whereas beautiful is used to compare ladies to amazing displays of art, or the feeling one gets when one see's an amazing sunset
Truth be told.. 35 comments
· 9 years ago
[other guest]
I didn't ask the government to tax me... I didn't choose that medical treatments would be unaffordable... I didn't choose that companies can take all my money and I can't say a word...
I didn't ask the government to tax me... I didn't choose that medical treatments would be unaffordable... I didn't choose that companies can take all my money and I can't say a word...
Popsicle. *stares at England* 39 comments
Visible ice from space melts and reforms every year. Earth looks like it's breathing 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Lol... I love how all of my country gets covered in snow, and most of russia gets filled too
When you start a business, but you also have a life 2 comments
· 9 years ago
I think the answer is March 15, 1843 when the Hudsons' Bay Trading Company establishes Victoria, B.C. as a major trading fort
Spider bursts out of a Banana 8 comments
I don't know why but I find this very funny 11 comments
I just wanted to get home 7 comments
· 9 years ago
"Excuse me, what time is it?"
"Oh my god, I'm married you sexist pig!"
*uses pepper spray*
"Oh my god, I'm married you sexist pig!"
*uses pepper spray*
That cute smirk 16 comments
DO IT DO I DO IT! 26 comments
It really is very nice 16 comments
· 9 years ago
But... Spiders aren't insects... Spiders have to many legs and 3 abdomens, therefore making them an Animal, in the Arachnid family, with skorpions and other such creatures
How to test how cooked your meat is 5 comments
Women 63 comments
· 9 years ago
"Woman beater!"
"Yes, because I was totally not protecting myself from your crazy ass"
"Yes, because I was totally not protecting myself from your crazy ass"
Vegan 53 comments
School nurses be like 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Well... A cold pack might help... Especially for tense stomach muscles or lower chest heart burn...
I still get corrected either way 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Well... A basic rule for english and italian is that G before e or i is a soft g (dzh) ... But english likes to break the rule alot, ie- get, git
I see what you did there, Ireland 15 comments
It's the little things. (Skyrim) 16 comments
You want equality? There you go! 47 comments
· 9 years ago
Well... They didn't sexually assault or sexually harass someone... Maybe they should go to prison for being a waste of peoples respect and time?
This one is my favorite 6 comments
If you have the power 55 comments
· 9 years ago
Exactly! If i had the power to freeze time, I'd use to get more sleep an to study mid-exam. Say you just wake up in the morning, freeze time, get 6 more hours of sleep, then carry on with your day when you wake up.
He is already dead. So I can't kill him again 11 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure the tutors of Ancient Greece invented homework centuries before, to teach the sons of Aristocrats...
If guys had periods 24 comments
After many years living here... it becomes clear. 6 comments
· 9 years ago
In Alberta its:
- 2nd winter
-less snow, getting warmer
-3rd winter, 10,000 ft of snow
- summer! Thank god!
- 4th winter
(Rinse and repeat)
- 2nd winter
-less snow, getting warmer
-3rd winter, 10,000 ft of snow
- summer! Thank god!
- 4th winter
(Rinse and repeat)
Saturn's Moons 10 comments
I'm sure he has important things to do! 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I'd be funnier if his face was staright and he was like "goddamit, I'm trying to get work done here"