
A future? 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Just because you've lived there your whole life does NOT mean your well informed on your country's issues.
Graffiti vandals get served 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Ya i think i'd actually start putting more graffiti up, just to see what they come up with in response
Pouring milk in dippin dots 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I actually saw it as milk pouring at first, didnt realize it was a spoon til i read the bottom
Oh how I love the internet 18 comments
guest · 11 years ago
technically the update was to shut the system down if it detected water, but still aint gonna just happen in an OS update
Karma is a b*tch 18 comments
guest · 11 years ago
ok seriously, what kind of "best friends" do you people have on here? Do you guys not weed out the shitty fake friends by like 5th grade? thought that was standard procedure. I mean I have a few friends that would do some shitty things, but those definitely arent my BEST friends.
Ariel cosplay 20 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Normally I'd say she looks kinda hot.....except being on the internet, i can't tell if its actually a dude or not.....
Only roses 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I like him :) hes much more funny lately
Proper moving etiquette, always follow 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
donuts are the basic "I brought breakfast" food
pizza is the basic "I ordered some food that is easy, most people like, and isn't messy(ie: don't need to unpack my plates and silverware)" food
Nature name guide 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Yo, Bat Falcon! Get over here!
i'm a bad person 24 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Not the same guest, but do you think every bad person does things out of malice? Lots of people do very bad things out of cowardice, doesnt make them less bad
guest · 11 years ago
the more you focus on one sense, the less attention you pay to the others. You turn down the radio to focus less on that noise and more on your vision
Share in comments 156 comments
guest · 11 years ago
you have to be a jedi to make it come back though, otherwise you just threw your only weapon. Never said you'd be competent with it
So its talk like a pirate day, huh? 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
OMG i love it
Brings a smile to my face 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Yes I did stare at her cleavage for a while first, but if you cropped out everything but her face its still much prettier than a duckface
Mirror trick 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
its not pointed directly at the photographer, its angled. So, no we shouldn't
I've decided about the gif pronounciation 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Zombie experiment in NYC 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Probably a good thing they did this in NYC, if they tried that crap near me i'd most likely shoot them, and then they'd be explaining a few real corpses
Statistics 16 comments
guest · 11 years ago
If your doing a good job, have been at your job for almost any amount of time, and if your job takes any skill whatsoever, then you aren't gonna be making flat out minimum wage anyway
Statistics 16 comments
guest · 11 years ago
minimum wage is fine where it is. If you raise it, all your doing is making it harder for business owners to justify more positions. It's getting even worse with all this Obamacare crap. I've seen way more people let go because the owner didn't want to have to pay for insurance than any other reason. You think a fast food place would have the dozen or so people working behind the counter and in the kitchens if the minimum wage was raised to $10/hr? No, they are gonna make do with half that, making you wait in line longer and probably come back here to make a meme about how long fast food takes.
That must really hurt 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
not all washers have those
Basketball skill level: chris brown 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Lol, reminds me of me and my friends doing this, but with our shoes (they would flip right off) some girl walked by and watched as a shoe went smack into her head, didnt try to move or dodge or anything. Friend got suspended for a week because of it, I laughed my ass off
F*ck real life 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
that girl he falls in love with looks old to me, like i thought it was supposed to be his grandma at first
How to handle these kind of situations 17 comments
guest · 11 years ago
right, because a guy with a ferrari would be married to a woman that drives a pick up and goes to wal mart?
D*ckachu! I choose you! 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I would totally bang a girl that found those boxers that funny and actually said "Dickachu, I choose you!"
Shes a keeper man
Loki approves 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
whats with all these love the villains things lately. I mean I loved how well some of them took on their role as an actor, I don't love the actual character murdering and setting up bombs, destroying worlds, etc. especially not more than the heroes on those stories
New perspectives 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Its your first anniversary of your birthday. you only have one BIRTHday
Finally, a tabloid article worth reading 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
seriously, thats just asking for it
That moment when you accidentally close the wrong tab 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
just reopen it.....
This is how you make kids learn science 3 comments
guest · 11 years ago
...but your adrian peterson, you ARE playing in the NFL!
This sign is at my local gun store 3 comments
guest · 11 years ago
If your talking about what will happen to you, they apply to the 3 reasons above it. You wont be shot, thanked, and then treated like an idiot. If you try to rob em, youll be shot, if you shoot the guy robbing them, youll be thanked, if its any other reason, you'll be treated like an idiot and asked to leave
Language was invented for one reason 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Not sure what you wooing women has to do with your sex, but ok. Also, maybe read the book the quote is from so you have an idea of what it is your talking about.
Flawless victory 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
there arent 360 million white men in the US. Theres not even 360 million people in the US. A quick google shows about 316 million. Roughly 63% are white which means 199 million. Just under 50% are male which means there are about 98 million white males in the US. In other words 100 million
A game changer 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
looks like chinese food to me
the stupidity is strong with this one 22 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Its almost as if somebody doesnt know what exaggeration is.....
Amputation guide 18 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I had the same thought after seeing this
Mom's advice vs. Dad's advice 23 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Also, theres a difference between promoting going to college, and harping and lecturing kids about college. You don't have to have a degree to want your kids to get one and have a better, more comfortable life than they did. In fact, I would consider that a much better motivation for the kid than "I went to college, your gonna go to college too"
Mom's advice vs. Dad's advice 23 comments
guest · 11 years ago
If you look at the dad's side to sex, you'll see that her saving herself til marriage is the equivalent to the dad's "I was all state my senior year" In other words, ya it might have happened, but most likely its not true and they are just telling you that, thats why the spouse is saying don't believe everything the other one says about this subject
Well that's one way to break the news 46 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Right, so people with a dark sense of humour can just go fuck themselves eh? You may not have liked it, but this was in fact a JOKE. And yet you say its ok to post inspirational or informative things? How are those considered "fun" at all, and especially how are those things more "fun" than an actual joke? Whether you like the joke is besides the point, I don't like cats or cat posts, but I don't condemn all cat posters and tell them to get off my site just for posting
True 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
So I take it shes on her period right now....
Post WWW 1 bicycle with spring tires 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Nintendo facts 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
pretty sure its old and a lot of the stuff is either wrong or misleading. Everything I looked up showed zelda as not having near that many sales, although by now mario and pokemon were a bit higher. But they completely neglected to mention the non nintendo franchises that are much closer in numbers, the sims, grand theft auto, call of duty, final fantasy all have over 100m units sold. Plus the ones they did show were all higher than what they said.
Then on the consoles, they list the 360 and ps3 at the bottom way under the wii and nes, and yet both have sold more than the nes. Also, both the ps1 and the ps2 have sold over the wii, yet those 2 arent mentioned at all.
I love nintendo, but these kinda misleading facts hurt more than they help
Paid to be chill 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
or $5 bucks a paycheck
Paid to be chill 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
maybe they were only paying him $3 bucks an hour before or somethin ;)
Obesity causes 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
theres these weird things that pour out water for free too.......cant seem to think of what they are called, but man I see them everywhere!
quit making excuses for being fat
So I found this on tumblr 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
right, because that would just solve any toilet problem ever.....
I'm a waiter and this is what someone gave me as a tip 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Guess it depends on where you are, 20% is the usual average in the US now, so that would be considered an ok tip (pretending its actually a 20 and not a 10)
Accomplishments in life 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
its really not that hard to open a cereal box, but since it sounds like you need help. Start from the side of the box, form your hand into a C and wedge the tips of your fingers in between the 2 folds, and then just slide all the way along the box. Peels the 2 sides apart without tearing anything and also you dont get that really thin layer stuck to one side.
Marine in college 29 comments
guest · 11 years ago
It's not that he doesn't believe in God that made him an idiot, there are plenty of atheists that just don't believe in God and don't make a huge deal about it. He decided to try to prove a point, wasting all of the students time for 15 minutes, for a class that they are paying him to teach. He's shoving his religion in all those students faces, just as much as a person shoving a bible in an atheists face is with their religion. He asked for God to knock him off his platform, well he got knocked off his platform didnt he?
Marine in college 29 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Looks like he just proved that God IS real. He asked for a sign, and he got one. Just not the sign he expected
Things that should be taught in high school 44 comments
guest · 11 years ago
My school did teach me this stuff, actually learned a lot of it in 6th grade, although i doubt most of my class actually learned any of it. Also doubt even after graduating whether 80% of my class that "passed" could do any of that....or basic math....or basic English....but that's our education system.
You could also take the initiative and learn about it yourself from your parents, library, any sort of economics or accounting teacher