Humans and their money 8 comments
· 9 years ago
These stupid remarks always appear. It should be humans are the only species that pay to live SAFELY on earth. That's the main purpose of a government. Have fun in the woods though. I'm sure no dangerous animal will eat you and you'll also be super comfortable.
Just a couple of reminders: 16 comments
Day 145 of your daily dose of cute: NSFW this post contains p*ssy 15 comments
· 9 years ago
She kneels on the bed with her legs slightly open as she unveils her pussy and begins to pet that cute little fluffy animal.
Manhole cover in Wiesbaden, Germany 17 comments
· 9 years ago
That's probably where they trapped jews before sending the off to their death. It's a jew hole.
This is what nightmares are made of 7 comments
Anime isn't ok? 59 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm sure the person with the anime crap didn't earn those toys. The picture on top has trophies That I'm sure we're difficult to obtain.
Anime isn't ok? 59 comments
· 9 years ago
Too much anime gets you fat while too much sports gets you in better health and better phisique. With sports you use your mind while anime you just watch with an empty mind. Although I like both, if I see a room full of anime I would think there's nothing in this persons brain as oppose as someone with a room full of sport things.
So that’s not how sex ed works then? 8 comments
Nice job on the t-shirt design, bro... 75 comments
I'm not even mad 23 comments
· 9 years ago
I think he's confused as to who the devil really is. If they say the devil is liar then he might just be missunderstood And Isaac Newton was his disiple.
When I finally die 5 comments
· 9 years ago
except they will all be hell hounds ready to eat at your quickly replenishing organs!
Denmark people are happy 32 comments
Denmark people are happy 32 comments
· 10 years ago
The person who posted this is a dumbass. along with all the other people who see free education in other country as an advantage. What does this mean? Free education means that you have to qualify. You don't get help from the government like we do instead you get it free... if you pass the really hard exams. Example, in France those who do not qualify must go to another country where they do qualify to study... the dumb portion of the population in the u.s wouldn't survive in an O ther country if we had that "free" system. Do your research before you post.
Education in Sweden 28 comments
· 10 years ago
These posts are moronic because the postee is only giving a small portion on how the system works. You have to qualify. Not everyone gets this free college. The ones that don't qualify have to go to another country in order to attend. The same is in France. The french go to Belgium if they don't qualify. So there's a catch to everything. Nothing is free.
I remember I saw santa climbing out my bedroom window... 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I have the same type of memory except my memory involves an angel under a bus and when I looked at it it smiled and then put it's finger in their mouth and told me to keep quiet as the bus rode away. I don't know if it was a dream or if it was real But it had stayed with me since I was little.
Education in Sweden 28 comments
· 10 years ago
That's like the south Americans saying hey in the u.s the government helps students pay for their college. Yeah that's true, but depending on how dumb you determines how much help you get.
Education in Sweden 28 comments
· 10 years ago
There's a catch idiots. You have to qualify, so if they did this in the u.s, then non of us would qualify. They don't just pay retards to go to school. Also, You can't just show potential. You have to show results in high school, and the majority of us Americans do not do that. So quit posting shit like this without actually knowing all the facts from other countries.
What kind of sorcery is this? 17 comments
we can all learn something from this boy 20 comments
· 10 years ago
This is some feminist bs and a horrible sister or brother. A 10 year old doesn't understand love and if you teach him that it's ok to mess around with his guy buddies then he's going to be doing it. Don't be proud of this and educate yourself.
Become someone greater 12 comments
· 10 years ago
if that's the girl you like and the hulk was her first love then you gotta get your priorities straight. Her vag is torn to pieces so sex with her will suck.
the best meal I've ever had in my life 5 comments
If you only hear from her when she needs something, you are being used. 7 comments
· 10 years ago
True. In this world you can't be a dumbass. If you are then you're bound to be prey, or in this case a friend who gets used up.
Ridiculously powerful picture 18 comments
Blonde, Brunette, Ginger? 18 comments
Ask US government 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Well everything has a price including a house. If we start giving out houses then our economy goes down the drain. It's the bank's house. They paid for it. What we should be bitching about is the stupid laws implemented on hiring employees. That's why employers don't really want to hire because that means more money to the government from profits the company earns. That's where we should focus our attention lowering employer taxes.
Small, medium, big... 18 comments
· 10 years ago
What? the u.s size is not even big. It's 13.7 inches that's punnie. In the u.s we have 16 inches. Our mediums are 12 inches. I would be pissed if I ordered u.s size and get a 13.7 inch pizza