Meanwhile in Germany 37 comments
· 8 years ago
Germany is a country, but in Germany, they typically speak German, which implies that this is a word in German.
I found a new place, moving next month! 7 comments
The Google 9 comments
C and F 30 comments
· 8 years ago
Everyone complaining about our American superiority complex needs to calm the hell down its just a joke
Drinking tap water 78 comments
Tom is Loki and RDJ is iron man 24 comments
You get what you work for 42 comments
C'mon United States! 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes and no. Each state has a certain number of votes, and all of the votes are given to the party which wins the state, then electors for this party vote on the President. While electors can defect and change their vote, and it has happened before, but it has never happened on a large enough scale to actually change the outcome of the election. So, your vote does matter because if the party you vote for wins the state, your candidate will get all the electoral votes for that state.
Kid bypassed Youtube copyright issue after his video got taken down 10 comments
· 9 years ago
That was four minutes and 23 seconds of my life that I could not have spent in a better way
This show hits home sometimes 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's The Blacklist, but I havent watched all of it so I might be wrong!
Who had these? 19 comments
But how 31 comments
But how 31 comments
Try passing a test with no right answers 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Title is accurate honestly were fucked no matter who gets in if its any of the top 3
Chris Colfer is a gift 11 comments
· 9 years ago
(Same guest)I mean I might have to bleach my eyes afterwards but I would read them
Chris Colfer is a gift 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Are you telling me if you were famous you wouldnt read fan fictions about yourself because I sure would
Who's side are you on really? 86 comments
· 9 years ago
I love Tony more but it's a Captain America movie, people, who do you think is gonna win?
A fresh Nutmeg 9 comments
As long as we never skip class 16 comments
· 9 years ago
America is not purely capitalist. A purely capitalist system would mean no government regulations in business at all. Quite a lot of my fellow Americans seem to equate socialism to communism- this is not the case. Pure communism and pure capitalism are both bad in practice- socialism is somewhat in the middle. Also, socialism and democracy are not really in the same category, so please don't compare our ability to choose our leaders to our government's ability to regulate business.