
Harpoons fired 29 comments
guest · 9 years ago
So many tumblr hate posts lately. Y'all are more obsessed with tumblr than tumblr is.
There we go 51 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You do know that's not how affirmative action works, right? And are you also aware that there are just as many scholarships for white people as there are any other ethnicity? I mean, if you put in a little effort maybe you'd know that. I'm white, grew up middle class, and yet I was still able to get enough scholarships so that my entire college career is already paid for. It's just a matter of putting in the time and effort, kid. I know plenty of black kids that I went to high school with that can't get a scholarship to save their life, even though they were relatively good students. You don't just get handed a free college education because you're ethnically diverse.