Perfection 5 comments
· 9 years ago
How awesome would it have been if that had actually happened in the movie as a cameo.
Harvard, They're Doing It Right 56 comments
Harvard, They're Doing It Right 56 comments
· 9 years ago
It's a spectrum. I'm simply saying that 388 people killed by police out of a population of 320 million is not necessarily a problem, nor is it a problem large enough to warrant change. Ya, it sucks for some of those families who no longer have their loved ones with them, but people die ALL THE TIME. If the police were offing a certain group of people left and right and calling for all of them to be brought into concentration camps, I'd stand up at fight. But, this whole police thing, is just making mountains out of molehills. Again, 388 people out of 320 MILLION people is insignificant. Are you guys out fighting abortion? Because in 2011, ~730,000 legal abortions were performed. That's 730,000 potential lives taken away. (I'm pro-choice btw). Don't lecture me on lives taken/lives saved by police when there are MUCH bigger issues and lives lost that would have a FAR greater impact than anything the police are throwing at us.
Harvard, They're Doing It Right 56 comments
· 9 years ago
My point was that a lot of people HAVEN'T died. 388 out of 320 million is an extremely small number. I willing to be my left testicle that the number of people helped and/or saved by police in those 5 months is FAR higher. And to answer your first question kibbles, no I'm not a fucktard...I'm actually fairly good at sex.
Harvard, They're Doing It Right 56 comments
· 9 years ago
Oops, got the numbers backwards, it's 320 million. That's 0.0000012% of the population over 5 months. In contrast, ~10,000 people died from alcohol related vehicle accidents in 2012. That's 0.000031% of the US population (still a small number), but do you really still think police are the problem?
Harvard, They're Doing It Right 56 comments