
People seem to forget this 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Precisely. Nowadays, opinions different to one's own are always the object of censoring campaigns. If one dares blurt out something someone finds offensive, one is silenced or insulted. Free speech is precisely that - free speech. On the Internet, if one encounters someone who has opinions which violate one's own expectations (for example, perhaps he/she is against same-sex marriage), my personal advice is to block him/her, ignore him/her, and move on with one's life. What he says may not appeal to you, but he has the legal right to say it, and you cannot take that away from the person.
#yassss 2 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Uh... Very well, then. Thank you, random person whom I do not know and who has little bearing on my self esteem. *Continues browsing*
what if 16 comments
guest · 9 years ago
*A profound, not "an profound". Holy crap, if I am going to be a smartass I have to exhibit proper command of the English language!
what if 16 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That causes an profound time paradox.
The event was not supposed to happen, so why would the time travellers travel?
The time travellers travel, thus causing the sinking and creating the purpose for them to be there, but at the cost of their own lives. In turn, the Titanic should never sink because the time travellers died before they were born, but that eliminates them being there.