
A Real Man Doesn't Hunt Animals 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That wasn't a public road, they were testing cars for an event, and he wasn't driving....or married for that matter. He did leave behind a daughter, but my goodness the ignorance in your comment just to put someone you don't know down just because they're famous. Wow.
Someone tell me if this is real 16 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It was the wheat, not the water. Watched a special on this, and a small flooding in most of the wheat crops made them mold. The people didn't think much of it and when baked the wheat produced something close to LSD and people began freaking out. The older ladies, not being able to farm and got by on sewing and other means, were then targeted and blamed because they showed no symptoms. Which is why witches were always portrayed as old and frail in the stories afterword.
I couldn't sleep for a week 27 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Loved this show! The host also produced the television show "Roswell" with Jason Behr and Shiri Appleby. Completely underrated and I wish it had more of a Fandom <3