Call me old fashioned but 36 comments
· 9 years ago
I promise you, they have fought. Every couple fights. The ones that last know how to do it constructively. And I'm sure they made sure to not fight in front of you. Good parents do that. They present a unified front to their children.
Lets see how this goes 90 comments
· 9 years ago
The problem is there were many Oscar-worthy performances from black actors the last two years. The Acadamy chose to pass over those for performances by white performers. The voters are, as a rule, old white men. Sorry, but there is a bit of racism going on there.
I'm not even British and this hurts 73 comments
· 9 years ago
You can certainly boil water in the microwave. It's not ideal, but it is doable. I prefer to use a kettle, but when one isn't available, I use a microwave.