
Thoughts? 34 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The "rich" still dying proves nothing. They are not important. Their revenue most likely accounts for 0.1% of all monetary transactions worldwide. Where as money brought in by wars and medicine costs help run governments. Why do you think America has such horrible health care costs? It brings in money. Even if people can't pay the full price, they still contribute something. It's too much money for them to let go. And THAT is why they keep the cures for the most powerful. When was the last time a POTUS died in office of a disease that was considered "incurable"? They are needed to keep running the corrupt system. You can't look at everything as a singular. You need to look at it as one giant game of chess where everything that happens is strategic plan orchestrated to trod down the masses. Grow up people, we are LIVING the conspiracy theory.