
The stuff teachers have to deal with 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
If I were a teacher and got that, I would post their drawing on the board under the title 'Will you let me pass this class and graduate from school' and show it to the whole class (not outing the student who drew it, of course', just as a major warning to them all to never do something like that ever again)
As a 40-year old, my life advice for teenagers 25 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Sorry, I'm an idiot. Meant to comment on the post, not to your comment feefee34. Such an idiot.
As a 40-year old, my life advice for teenagers 25 comments
guest · 9 years ago
This advice really helps couples trying to get pregnant
Because America. 25 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That is not how the alphabet works. Like catinthehat was saying, you don't pronounce 'w' in words as 'double u', otherwise you would have pronounced a word in this sentence as 'dubbleyoo-erd'. Actually 'would' with all the letters pronounced would be 'dubbleyoo-ohyoueldee', and that's just weird. You actually don't pronounce most letters the way you say them in the alphabet.