Oh I Don't Watch TV 6 comments
· 8 years ago
TV is not the same as Internet
Looking at you Nero 11 comments
At least two mate 20 comments
· 8 years ago
How about Russia? Could I use the entire nation of Russia as a dildo? Or perhaps a Kia? Maybe even... A dildo?
I found a new place, moving next month! 7 comments
300 year old library in Dublin, Ireland 8 comments
Sneaky Sneaky 12 comments
· 8 years ago
*CIA, FBI and Local Police Department knovk on door* stop doing suspicious shit, sir
Why men and women think differently 12 comments
· 9 years ago
(I'm a Guy) I don't find hard to just clear my mind and concentrate of nothing... Seems true to me.
Dances perfectly to any song 35 comments
You're normal 39 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm not [blank], I just have [symptoms that fit the description for that very mental disorder]
Just dog things 3 comments
· 9 years ago
You actually shouldn't look into the dogs eyes while either of you are shitting, it implies to the dog that they are the Alpha. It's actually better to treat your dog pretty much as a distant colleague if you'd prefer to be the Alpha. (IE- no direct eye contact, you eat first, the dog has to deserve to play/have treats etc)
Is this true? 7 comments
· 9 years ago
My hairdresser gets the water to massage perfect heat (she is also my Aunt, so I get a discount) :]
A reminder that Africa is beautiful. 14 comments
· 9 years ago
I'd love to go there, if it wasn't for the racial tension and ridduclously high crime rate
Study to video game music 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I have similair advice, Excerising at home is magically less difficult while watching TV. Normally, I can only really do 10 pushups before dying, but when I put on the Season 2 premier of Better Call Saul I did 27 pushups.
Frank hit the nail on the head 19 comments
You better respect The Alfred. 4 comments
If Mars still had water 20 comments
· 9 years ago
We actually know how to remotely terra form Mars into Earth 2.0, we just inject CO2 (Only several tons) into Mars' atmosphere, which'll start the greenhouse effect warming the planet and slowly making it habitable for human life, over several centuries.
Seriously, At this point I'm too afraid to ask 19 comments
An unspoken rule, I'm suprised by how many people doesn't know that 31 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm currently serving in the RCN (Royal Canadian Navy). At BTQ (Basic Training Qualification) we were taught to aim for the extremeties, and only go for the head unless there's no other choice.
HNIC is right 17 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure that's not the only reason the Americans dumped tea into the boston harbour
Why doesn't Germany just call their currency Ger-money? 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Because Germany doesn't have their own currency, they use the collectice currency of Europe, the Euro (€). Also, it wouldn't translate into german any way. Germoney? In german, money is Geld. Germany is Deutschland. So...
Sounds like my dream home 14 comments
The true cause of Civil War 20 comments
· 9 years ago
The company that makes Nutella, Ferrero, is an Italian company. In Italian, the letter U is pronounced 'oo' as in 'spoon'. Therefore, Nutella is pronounced Noo-(new)tella. Case closed muthafucka
These were the least and most corrupt countries in 2015 24 comments
· 9 years ago
I love how Canada is the only country in the Americas in the top 10 list. Go Canada!