For people who don't know 17 comments
· 8 years ago
A plastic shell that if a child didn't notice they're just stupid
If Titanic had sunk in 2016 6 comments
What if I'm crazy all along? 10 comments
· 8 years ago
45% of people will at some point in their lives so yo probs will, doesn't mean you're crazy
I'm a mix of 2 and 3 40 comments
· 8 years ago
My whole family is number 4 - just leaving it open and EVERY DAMN TIME I WANT BREAD IT'S STALE
Yes. 4 comments
· 9 years ago
You can also look at siblings who were raised the same way and turn out totally different, I have a friend who is the nicest person you will ever meet and one brother is also really great, the others a total ass
Soo I found out men can give birth now 8 comments
· 9 years ago
A guy who went to school with my dad got a girl pregnant at 12 and the baby had a baby at 12 so they were grandparents at 24
Harry Potter proposal 12 comments
· 9 years ago
He'd better hope that's not her copy of the book or he'd be looking at a break up not marriage
Suicide 68 comments
· 9 years ago
I'd recommend you get help because I was where you are and didn't and it just got worse to the point where I did try to kill myself. Things do get better though, they did for me, and if you ever need to talk then I'd be happy to listen so you don't need to go through this alone :)
Oh Boy... Lets see how this goes 30 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah you treat mental and physical illnesses differently but you also treat physical illnesses differently too, you're not going to treat someone with cancer the way you'd treat someone with asthma or diabetes. Also there are physical components to mental illnesses - imbalance of chemicals in the brain, genetic component etc.
It makes me really angry when I hear people saying how amazing it is 21 comments
· 9 years ago
My sister got really upset when people congratulated her on how much weight she was loosing a couple of years ago because she wasn't trying to but at 26 got down to 30kg (about 65lbs) and it was terrifying
I'll just call tomorrow 13 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm upper high school and in exams I can take up to a 15 minute break because of depression, anxiety, and my messed up personal life but because of the anxiety I don't have the courage to actually use it.
Snape is truly in the zone 22 comments
· 9 years ago
James was a bully but Snape bullied an 11 year old student of his for what his dead father did in spite of loving his also dead mother
Even the teachers had this look 19 comments
· 9 years ago
A guy in my class last year did it too, he's a really good friend but has severe social anxiety and had found out that his mum had cancer the previous night but so many people were being assholes to him and insulting his masculenity with no clue what was actually going on
Book slappers should be a thing 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I get that things need to be cut out, what annoys me is if they add things to the script that don't need to be there when they could have added an extra scene from the book or change characterization
Well, if you're gonna do that you better do it quick 3 comments
· 9 years ago
And this is what it looked like: http://,+the+day+Sweden+switched+sides+of+the+road,+1967+(2).jpg
He-Man! 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Eating disorders are nobodies fault, a friend of mine has anorexia and she has parents who are psychologists talk a lot about appearances not mattering as much as health and the importance of good body image. A huge part of anorexia is a genetic predisposition, and things like body image can come from heaps of places - bullying, social media etc.
That's it, I'm converting 24 comments
Talk nerdy to me 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually because of a night of excessive sex with this chick he was having an affair with Raphael got a fever and didn't want to say what caused it so was given the wrong treatment - he had too much sex and lied about it and that's how he died
Are these psychological facts true? 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Also seasonal affective disorder (winter depression) is depression caused by lack of light, particuarly natural light throughout winter
Science. It reduces the stupid 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Someone I know refuses to eat anything that has any chemicals in it - I'm a chemist so I listed these chemicals and told her this was the ingredients of one of my favourite foods, she went nuts screaming about how people like me were killing ourselves with the foods we ate, I'd listed the chemicals in blueberries. Everything is a list of hard to pronounce chemicals if you break it down.
Biceps are "gooder," education is "worser" 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually the most prestigious schools aren't necessarily the best, dad got into Harvad and dropped out, then wen't back to an average college with the same course, loved it and is now a very successful doctor. My brother went to Yale and got his phd in biochemistry and my sister went to community college and did a degree in photography and she earns a lot more and is far happier
This really pisses me off '~' 4 comments
· 9 years ago
I have a politics teacher that pretty much says it's her point of view or the wrong point of view, but then there's my lit teacher who will be saying something and someone will say that's absolute bullshit (in those words) and she'll be happy as long as we can support it and most classes end up with the entire class arguing their point
How to stay awake 10 comments
We need their Ministry of Magic here in the States 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah but in book 6 when Dumbledore shows Harry him telling Tome Riddle that hes a wizard pensive Dumbledore tells pensive Riddle that there is money provided to students that can't pay for books
Almost 10/21/2015! 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I got so confused like it's already mid afternoon 21/10/15 and then I remembered time zones are a thing that exist
Whoohoo 9 comments
oh the irony 35 comments
So I hear you like libraries? State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia 10 comments
· 9 years ago
The room it's overlooking is supposed to be dead silent and I was there once and guy managed to do a full face plant walking to one of the desks taking out my books with him and making a huge bang
Epic fail 7 comments
· 9 years ago
http: //
English teacher friend's seventh grade class just got their first writing assignment 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I regularly doodle on my work and year 8 I drew a cupcake on the planning sheet we did in class, our teacher saw and said if we handed in a real one she'd consider boosting our mark so we made a cupcake and wrote A+ please on it, we got an A
As an engineer in college, this happens way to often 5 comments
· 9 years ago
When I was in year 2 my teacher would single you out in front of the entire class when you made a mistake, I have social anxiety so it was especially mortifying and I started refusing to try something if I didn't know that I could get it right first time which I only stopped recently, a decade later. Mistakes happen, people screw up and that's not a bad thing so never make someone who's learning something feel bad when they do it wrong.
You should vote always 18 comments
· 9 years ago
I got really confused because in Australia everyone has to vote by law and I forgot it was different anywhere else
Stop bullyin by changing the way you think first 62 comments
· 9 years ago
Although I get what they're going for it doesn't matter what their story is just don't be a dickhead. That man who was crying he could have a dying mother or he could have just seen a particularly emotional episode of his favorite show. The girl you called a slut - she could be a virgin she could have slept with everyone but how does it affect you? The old mans scars it could have been fighting for our country or he could have fallen over going to the bathroom but if you make fun of an old guys scars you're an asshole. It doesn't matter why their doing what they're doing if you bully you're a dick.