My son Jacob once asked me "Mommy, what are idiots? I replied,
my Dad told me they are people who act badly and or hurt or case harm people when they shout have used their brains and made better choices. Too late to do anything to stop their really bad behaviour or to help anyone they hurt or killed, yes killed dead, never to be alive again, up in heaven. Sometimes it could be worse. They could hurt some one ,by accident so badly a person may never walk or run or play with their children. Even bigger idiots behind the fencing, where it`s safe from those mindless idiots trying to get to hurt and harm more and more. But those are safe behind the fence. I'd like to see the entire band, their entourage, all of their security in there, in the middle from start to finish and then and only then will I not tell my child that this bunch of idiots are not just that led by even bigger idiots who all know better. I'd like to see their proud Mothers and fathers watch this.
my Dad told me they are people who act badly and or hurt or case harm people when they shout have used their brains and made better choices. Too late to do anything to stop their really bad behaviour or to help anyone they hurt or killed, yes killed dead, never to be alive again, up in heaven. Sometimes it could be worse. They could hurt some one ,by accident so badly a person may never walk or run or play with their children. Even bigger idiots behind the fencing, where it`s safe from those mindless idiots trying to get to hurt and harm more and more. But those are safe behind the fence. I'd like to see the entire band, their entourage, all of their security in there, in the middle from start to finish and then and only then will I not tell my child that this bunch of idiots are not just that led by even bigger idiots who all know better. I'd like to see their proud Mothers and fathers watch this.