Subtle Disney 8 comments
· 8 years ago
It's called lighting. Also, that second pic isn't even from the movie, it's from a pornographic fanfic
At this point feminism is dead and it's become a synonym for misandry 146 comments
· 9 years ago
That second to last one might be the worst thing I've ever read. This from a man who has read eyewitness accounts of the Holocaust. Kudos, you hateful, evil bitch. I like to think that humans are naturally good, thanks for shaking that belief. I have never in my life typed this before, anticipatedrepidontgiveafuck, but I sincerely hope you die in a fire. I hope you contract cancer and die alone and unloved, just like you made that man feel. I have never typed that to anyone, that's what you've made me do, kudos you insensitive, hateful, judgmental, bigoted cunt.