It all makes sense now 3 comments
· 9 years ago
I would rather have him than trump
Little league 9 comments
Johnny depp movie 9 comments
· 9 years ago
You're right! Helena Bonham Carter stated that they are still very close friends.
*Grabs popcorn* 39 comments
· 9 years ago
Well that's really proving op's point. You used your preferences for different games to decide which platform you were going to play them on. So in an effect to your statement you would be a "real gamer" because you would treat all platforms equally.
Almost as good as the clapbacks 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm sorry but women do that just as often as men do. It's something we can all be guilty of I'm sure.
When you remember there was homework 2 comments
Parkinson's disease 6 comments
· 9 years ago
its not a joke. It's not fun for your brain to slowly be unable to control your own body. I get it...but still.:(
"What are those things"?!? 12 comments
Valentines confession 9 comments
· 9 years ago
So, he is blaming her...when it was you who helped to break his heart? You knew he liked her. He left a thoughtful gift, and you took the credit.
Well deserved, also I would adopt that kid 27 comments
This has to be said 30 comments
Ricky Gervais' Thoughts on Gay Marriage 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes they can. They can also say no to heterosexual marriages. Most churches have the couple attended counseling to see if they are "right" for eachother before they let them get married in their church.
Really. We all thought she said 28 comments
Coma for a year 4 comments
· 10 years ago
This fucked up. I am fucked up, so it's a tiny bit funny
And tragic.
Kaleb Hero and His wife Erica were in a terrible accident.
(It's your turn to make up the accident. )
He must stay up day and night, with little sleep and a full time job. He hires an in home nurse during the hours of work...and then teaches his wife how to live again. All the while, he worried of their unborn daughter in her wife's womb. That is why he must try and do everything he can to teach her everything he knows.
She won't be yelling at me from the top of the stairs anymore.
I was always worried she would fall down the steps. She is clumsy and even talking takes all of her focus. she could walk right down and trip probably.
We met in a burning building. I was am a firefighter. She had caught her bra he's on fire when she lit a firework.
Entry 1
There is improvement today. She patted her small stomach and said our daughters name.
Don't cry. m.m k
And tragic.
Kaleb Hero and His wife Erica were in a terrible accident.
(It's your turn to make up the accident. )
He must stay up day and night, with little sleep and a full time job. He hires an in home nurse during the hours of work...and then teaches his wife how to live again. All the while, he worried of their unborn daughter in her wife's womb. That is why he must try and do everything he can to teach her everything he knows.
She won't be yelling at me from the top of the stairs anymore.
I was always worried she would fall down the steps. She is clumsy and even talking takes all of her focus. she could walk right down and trip probably.
We met in a burning building. I was am a firefighter. She had caught her bra he's on fire when she lit a firework.
Entry 1
There is improvement today. She patted her small stomach and said our daughters name.
Don't cry. m.m k