Wonder where she was going 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually there's an elephant living in the forest my family's farm is in and he's broken our wall down at least four times in the past year
Thoughts? 35 comments
· 8 years ago
It's not entirely to be blamed on women, though. It's a thing that exists. I mean, have you seen women's Halloween costumes?
Bored, thought I'd upload another one. 1 comments
So... Just balls then? 17 comments
Karma is a b*tch 4 comments
How can wood be so metal? 28 comments
· 8 years ago
Imagine having earthy or nature-y powers and when someone makes fun of you for it you unleash the glorious manchineel, tree assassin and conqueror of kings
That is me with every movie. 21 comments
· 8 years ago
"Yep. This is it. This sh*t right here is the entire animation budget. I hope you're proud, [character]."
Amazing interlaced housing in Singapore 3 comments
· 8 years ago
oh hey my friend lives there
It is the most amazing condo I've ever been in, seriously
It is the most amazing condo I've ever been in, seriously
These people are in every classroom 15 comments
· 8 years ago
I am that person, and it's already hell, so there's no need to make a special hell just for us. Life handles that just fine on its own.
Texting the wrong number goes right 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Um... Are we not going to talk about the fact that they invited total strangers to their hospital room with the bedridden mother and newborn baby?
SJW artist 10 comments
· 9 years ago
ahahahahahaha please, in the past two months I've already drafted three different story ideas featuring gay couples, at the end of which one of them dies. But only one. Because I'm evil.
take that b*tch 8 comments
· 9 years ago
ahahahahaha please, in my elementary school in Nigeria, it didn't efen matter if you gave them the 'dirtiest' one, because they were all complete messes.
Me 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Matter manipulation. I'dsay probability manipulation, but that's too much responsibility.
Oh dear, I'm so sad 8 comments
Guns don't kill 2 comments
· 9 years ago
I'd bring up a counter argument, but honestly I'm just too tired of bickering with a country that responds to school shootings by arming teachers.
People recount what it was like to come out as gay 141 comments
And then there's the character who gets revived as a f*cking vampire 29 comments
· 9 years ago
OH MY GOD when I read the title my first thought was Mika xD
The series finale f*cking killed me, I'm in so much denial about Krul.
The series finale f*cking killed me, I'm in so much denial about Krul.
Deny thy name badge 9 comments
· 9 years ago
lol something like this already exists... It's called Fast Food of the End, and it's an Owari no Seraph AU where Yuu works at Hiiragi Fried Chicken (KFC) and Mika works at McKruldo's (McDonald's) and it's fabulous.