And religious zealots 4 comments
· 8 years ago
April showers .... ? Well, except for the other side of the planet, where the seasons are the opposite, you ignorant short-sighted imbecile?
How To Say ‘I Love You’ Around The World 40 comments
Soulmates explained scientifically 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Not possible. Primordial "atoms" were not the atoms that we know today - and today's atoms were nearly exclusively made in exploding stars, billions of years AFTER the universe was "created". So sorry, liberal imbecile, nice touchy-feely idea, but as usual, you're wrong.
Don't be so mean to the poor dude... 11 comments
these are still funny 11 comments
· 8 years ago
In WHAT universe would this stuff be considered funny? Oh, sorry, I forgot, of course it's in planet America, the land of fruits and nuts - and imbeciles.
The Weirdest Things About America That Americans Don't Realize 66 comments
· 9 years ago
Pretty much the whole list boggles me, and sure, I'm NOT American (thank God!)
Introducing LoopAway by FunSubstance 44 comments