Welcome to Indianapolis! 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Yay... My wonderful city..
I know what I'm going to do today 9 comments
I lost it at emo husbands :') 14 comments
Respect & Congratulations! 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Really? Global warming? He has waited like a million year for an Oscar and he wastes his speech on GLOBAL WARMING??!!? (-.(\)
I would too of I had that persons name 122 comments
· 8 years ago
Darth ilajna, darth etak, darth ivnaj, darth ylrac, darth eissac (some of my friends names and mine)
BLOCK PITS OF DOOM 23 comments
You're welcome 24 comments
Donald Trump logic 60 comments
· 9 years ago
Murder is illegal, and people still do it. If guns were "illegal", people would still use them to kill others.
In case you didn't know - those are code words 17 comments
When you like to tip on that special chair 14 comments
Things that just don't make sense 31 comments
· 9 years ago
Why do you say heads up?
So people can pay attention to that you are talking about so they can react.
So people can pay attention to that you are talking about so they can react.
Halloween ideas 5 comments
· 9 years ago
I had a group of four friends (including me) and we went as the four seasons. (Winter, spring, summer, fall)