Why? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
as long as the dog is alive i can take it
Do you know someone with kids 1 comments
· 8 years ago
I need this for my friend. Her kids love Frozen and I am mad at her for not coming into work today.
This is kind of depressing 21 comments
· 8 years ago
What about your real life friends? You know those people that are there when you actually look away from your screen once in a while..
I can be a slightly older female friend if need be 41 comments
· 8 years ago
Here's some advice from an old lady (I'm 31) . How many"likes" you get doesn't matter. If he is truly into you, he will text back/be with you/make the effort. If he doesn't, forget him. Wear sunscreen! Learn how to buy insurance, learn renter's rights, taxes and how to buy a house before you have to. Stop worrying/caring what other people think. Don't air your dirty laundry out on the internet. Appreciate your parents, they are the ones who always will be there. Respect others opinions, even if they are not the same as yours! I'd rather talk to someone who has a different opinion than someone that doesn't have one at all. Learn about whats going on in the world. And remember that each of us are all fighting our own battles, think about that before judging other people. Good luck to you all!
I like Zendaya 23 comments
· 8 years ago
her make up looks okay to me. although usually it's hard to see her since she is up on her high horse so often. can't wait till she grows up a bit and gets a little annoying.
Fu*k Trump 58 comments
· 8 years ago
America was great, once. Unfortunately people like you never had the chance to experience it. I pity you. But we will be great again, and you still wont get it. Jokes on you. :-)
Me ATM 41 comments
· 8 years ago
People seemed to care an awful lot when they thought Glenn was dead last season. And look who's still around! #yesiamadorable
Me ATM 41 comments
· 8 years ago
It's definitely not Glenn, Eugene, or Rick. This is for sure. So that leaves 8 people left. It's probably not a female, but if it were it's def not Sasha or Maggie. It's not Daryl or Carl more than likely. So that leaves us with Abraham, Aaron, Michonne or Rosita. Rosita and Aaron aren't liked enough for people to really care if they die so 70% Abraham because it's doubtful it's Michonne, but anything can happen.
Pretty sure that counts 10 comments
· 8 years ago
That was the most anticlimactic story ever. Also, your sister sounds like a bitch.
Sometimes appearances can be deceiving 17 comments
· 8 years ago
So you're saying we SHOULDN'T judge people by the way they look? groundbreaking stuff.. next i suppose we shouldn't judge a whole book by it's cover too? lol
Just Don't Let Them Steal Your Generation 12 comments
· 8 years ago
There is something amazing about this generation and all the ways you are able to communicate through the internet. But just don't forget there is a whole world outside or twitter and instagram etc. I think the point should be it to find a happy medium. There is nothing worse than trying to have a conversation with someone who is looking at their phone and not at you.
The Weirdest Things About America That Americans Don't Realize 66 comments
· 9 years ago
How's the weather up there on your high horse? There's nothing wrong with being American. We have awesome holidays, and are in the process of playing the biggest prank on the world that has ever been done. Donald Trump for pres. It's a prank, right? RIGHT?
The Weirdest Things About America That Americans Don't Realize 66 comments
· 9 years ago
Tipping isn't hard. You figure out 20% of your bill amount and leave that number for the server who makes $2 an hour to bring you your food and drinks.
The structure of a tear 17 comments
· 9 years ago
What do tears of "I hate my job, but I'll never get out of here because what I do is so specialized, and I am not qualified to do anything else" look like?
I trust the Simpsons and that's why I'm nervous 13 comments
Try passing a test with no right answers 13 comments
Try passing a test with no right answers 13 comments
Someone vandalized Donald Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star 40 comments
· 9 years ago
its irrelevant that the person who vandalized property put the wrong symbol there. Vandalism is wrong, period. And comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler is for the uneducated, and juvenile. The Holocaust is one of the darkest times of history. Don't diminish the tragic murder of millions of Jews because you don't like Donald Trump.
What if I tell you 57 comments
· 9 years ago
or maybe... you are actually NOT an expert on history or of anything most likely. And you should just shut up and love you country that takes care of you... but that's none of my business.
Shots fired 48 comments
· 9 years ago
Why do people have to be offended about EVERYTHING!?? You just want attention. Grow up.