
Now explain this shit 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Short version:
The Javelin is an infrared guided anti tank weapon designed to defeat more modern armor on battle tanks, not an anti personnel weapon.
If you were a soldier in combat facing down an armored vehicle like a tank, would you rather have an $80,000 rocket and a $16,000 salary, or a $90,000 salary, and nothing but what you can find laying on the ground to protect yourself?
There's more:
The tank or armored vehicle it is intended for use against cost far more than $80,000. That vehicle was designed to provide protection for the person inside of it, an investment in their continued survival. I will avoid going too far into tactics, politics, or philosophy of conflict and war; and merely state that war is a reality of our current world, soldiers, and many professions are under valued and under paid, but it's not quite so simplistic as this would suggest.