
not just for traveling. for uni too 1 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Why is it completely out of line to suggest you save up for it? If you really want to do it, refrain from spending on other things. Otherwise, you're just bitching that not having infinite resources means there are some things you don't get handed to you on a silver platter.

Another thing you can do--get a job that involves a lot of travel. Consider that a perq, like insurance, high pay, whatever.. To some (people with kids in musiic or sports), that's a negative. I once had to cut short a week off to fly to a client in Germany, but I had decided that lots of travel was my goal and was willing to forgo the ease of planning vacations to get it. Many times my work covered two weeks, so I had a weekend to myself in interesting places, with hotel and plane tickets covered.
One shade of grey only 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I feel the need to point out that it was women who got all steamy and juicy at this excuse for a novel, not men.
The struggles of not being European and living in the greatest country on Earth 20 comments
guest · 8 years ago
My kids took out loans to cover the part of the cost that their mother and I couldn't help with, and also worked during the summers. Most importantly, they majored in things that led to jobs that paid OK or better. One paid off his loans in 14 months, and the other is 24 months into paying off his, looking like 36 months total. (He went to an expensive engineering school, but he's making an excellent salary now.) If you run up a bunch of debt to major in Women's Studies, Modern Dance or Art History, and don't ever look into what the job opportunities are likely to be available, it's not "society's" fault. "Society" doesn't owe you a free four-year vacation studying whatever you find "fun."
Hawkeye is Bernie Sanders 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Bernie is "the best" because he wants to take the results of some people's labor to pay for stuff you want? Not sure if immaturity, naivete or selfishness. Could be all three, I guess.
From all the tortures I've seen on TV, I think this is by far the worst 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Breath into and out of a plastic bag. The pressure is still 1 atm, but there's less and less oxygen in that air. It's still suffocating.
I can't win 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I have four kids, and have NEVER gotten angry at one for doing any kind of chore. I wonder if there's more to this. Did OP pull on the vacuum cleaner cord so that the plug was about to break? Use abrasive cleaner on something that couldn't tolerate it?

It's not really fair to complain that someone doesn't want you to do something, when the real problem is that they don't want you to do a terrible job or damge/break things while you're dong that something.
Insane anxiety levels 18 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Other things teens have now but didn't then:
Cell phones
Social media

Probably not "tougher exams" thaat lead to anxiety...your parents/grandparents had WWII, Korea and Viet Nam to worry about. Maybe it's the immediacy of everything that's making you so anxious.
That's god damn right 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
We worry an awful lot about education in the US and the rest of the west where we might not adequately respect a transgendered person's right to use any restroom he/she prefers, buit we ignore the "education" in Muslim countries (and in Muslim communities within the US!) where they teach that jihad is right, it's OK to rape and commit pedophilia with non-Muslims, etc.

This idea makes sense the first time you hear it. But after a while you notice that the violent always trample the people who *want* peace but aren't willing or prepared to fight the violent ones when there's no more alternative. All those strongly worded letters didn't deter Hitler, Pol Pot or the genocide in Rwanda and Sierra Leone.
Your actions define you. 30 comments
guest · 8 years ago
How on earth does someone imagine that Hitler was Christian? Because he grew up in a primarily Christian country? Because his mom made him go to church when he was 5? Honestly, you have to be really reaching to make this inaccurate association. In fact, Hitler co-opted the church in Germany to promote nationalism.

Malcom X also advocated hatred of the Jews...up to and including extermination. This graphic appears to have been made up by someone who knows one Muslim who doesn't seem bad, and saw the Westboro Baptist Chruch on TV and disliked them enough to tag all Christianity on someone who embodies the opposite of what the group's holy book teaches since that person is likely to have attended church as a child. Certainly there has to be a more useful "bad Christian" example than a man who wasn't one.
Teacher surprises students with inspiring desk messages on exam day 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
"Never forget, you're unique--just like everyone else!"
"You're all wonderful and special. EVERYBODY gets an MVP trophy!"

"It's not the results that count, it's the sincerity of your effort."
(Hope that last one doesn't inspire someone to go to medical school.)
90s Kids Will Get This 16 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Plenty of us who watched our coworkers get laid off in 2009 also "get it." Also, we parents of '90s kids, who would like them to eventually move out of our house also "get it." You aren't the first generation to have challenges economically, socially, or professionally.
Savages 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Is "finesse" an "urban" way of saying "stole" without having to use the actual word?
And if we could travel to a planet similar to ours they would do exactly the same to that 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
There were enormous forests a hundred thousand years ago, then the glaciers came and scraped those right ff the face of the earth, Before that, the area that is now the plains region of the US was a jungle, then was under water. It sounds like Nature is continually changing, regardless of man's contribution.
At least they didn't feel the bern. 45 comments
guest · 8 years ago
His socialist policies turned a recession into the Great Depression. Just like now, people vote thier short-term interests and what's easily explainable...but not all issues are easy to explain. We also have PACs from unions and environmental groups funneling a ton of money to sccialist candidates whether the members support that or not.
Great headline from The Onion 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I have a 1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass and a 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix. Both are still running strong, and the cars have actually outlasted the brands that produced them!
Down vote if you must. I am ready 16 comments
guest · 8 years ago
One of the worst three presidents of all time. Prolonged the recession, allowed radical jihadi islamicism to flourish, reduced the respect the U.S. Had all over the world...good ridance.
It's always sunny 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Also, destroyed the reputations and careers of any women who came forward after her husband sexually assaulted them.

Somehow is promoted as the pro-woman candidate.