
Wentworth Miller 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Wow. I went through something similar and still have a terrible relationship with food, with fits of binge eating at night as I look to it for comfort and motivation. I went from being naturally thin and having people joke about me being anorexic (Never was and nowhere near it) to gaining over 80 pounds. I feel terrible about it and my weight, which causes me to want to turn to food in a never ending cycle. People make comments about it as well, and I get it. I know it isn't healthy and I'm not saying people should lie and tell someone they're beautiful how they are, but maybe take a moment and just truly find out why someone is how they are without assuming it is purely and only laziness. I'm a boy and sometimes when I open up about it, people laugh it off as a "girl problem." This was really wonderful to read. Thank you.
A local H.S. Principal just solved a mysterious senior prank from a decade ago 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Stop. He's only an educator...or like a supervisor of educators, why should someone in that position have learned a basic rule taught in elementary school?
Idjits 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I'm not trying to disagree, but I don't think I've ever seen an animated show or movie with a gay couple that's been thrown in your face before. How would you recommend including them in a natural way, if including them just feels like it is awkward and trying too hard? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm genuinely curious about what you mean.