
I'm pretty sure that we don't kill cows for milk 59 comments
guest · 7 years ago
So much misinformation, pascalito. 'Most dairy industries', when was the last time you visited one dairy farm, let alone many to form a truly informed opinion? 'most times around five years', where is your source for that? My source is my personal experience from working on dairies, where majority of happy, healthy cows live to fifteen-twenty years old, easily. They're never hungry, they're never beaten or even yelled at a lot of times, they're actually known by name or by the look of the cow. A lot of dairy farmers can look at a cow and instantly know the mother of that cow, and sometimes the grandmother. Farmers care about their cows. Even if you want to say that farmers are only in it for money (which is absolutely not true), well think of how logical it would be to abuse a cow that you want to make money for you. A happy cow is a profitable one. Go visit farms and talk to farmers before you spread your lies accidentally, it's what PETA want you to do.
I'm pretty sure that we don't kill cows for milk 59 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Nope, these cows have been bred for hundreds of years to produce more milk than the baby needs. They need to be milked. If not, mastitis and milk fever galore for cows. Have seen it and helped treat it, it's not fun for the cow.
I'm pretty sure that we don't kill cows for milk 59 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Worked on farms (dairy and beef) that have owned a few thousand cattle. Each cow and bull was well looked after individually, they don't get relentlessly bred (they're able to have breaks in between calves to recover and rest, farmers could technically breed them quicker but don't in interest for the safety of cows), and they're all well fed. A lot of you, be honest, are saying that majority of farms are cruel and don't care about their animals. Have you ever been to one of these farms? Maybe reserve judgement until you actually go and visit them, instead of taking all your information from this disgusting propaganda. As a farmer it's soul destroying to be told you're abusing animals just because you look after more than five cows at a time.
Sad panda fact 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The fact is that pandas actually are going extinct because of themselves (not humans for once). The food they eat is too exclusive and too nutrient-poor for fast reproduction, and scientists have found that pandas just don't have a reproduce. As unfortunate as it is that there aren't many pandas left, it begs the question, if an animal is going extinct due to things that aren't humans fault, is there much point in helping, because ultimately, we're just stretching out the inevitable.
Tail nom noms 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
They're an armadillo girdled lizard. While you can keep them in North America and Europe I really would suggest not to. They're a great lizard and all, but because of their amazing looks they're being taken out of the wild at exponential rates, so there is worry among environmentalists and scientists that soon there won't be enough left in the wild to have a viable community left. Just cause you can, doesn't mean you should. Get something common but awesome-looking. Bearded dragons also look pretty awesome, and there's not a risk of them being grabbed out of the wild the same because they're so easy to breed in captivity compared to the armadillo lizard (which I don't think have been bred in captivity successfully very often at all.
Never underestimate my power 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Haha yep! My boyfriend is usually up for it but I'm always the one who gets the 'not tonight'. Lucky I don't mind that too much either, pretty sure it's nice for him to be in the opposite role though lol
Nothing can stop us 21 comments
guest · 8 years ago
You're correct, people should know where their food comes from. Their food definitely doesn't come from anywhere like this photo! Seriously, as a farmer, I would be more than happy for people to come and look at where I raise animals and where they are slaughtered even. I went to the abattoir to actually see what happens. At no point do the animals see where they're going, they don't see meat, they aren't bashed up, they're handled quietly, and when the time comes it is a split second, they wouldn't feel a thing! So sick of these people ruining lives of people (and the animals they're trying to care for!) by spreading this absolute utter bulldust. Makes my blood boil.