
thoughts? 46 comments
guest · 8 years ago
While I think you have a good point guestwho, I would like to tell you about my country's election. This year was the Peruvian elections and for the first time in forever the better choice won. 4 new generations got to vote and they all voted for PPK, an economist who is 77y/o and have had a lot of experience in life. While the oldest generation of people who voted voted for Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of the ex president who is now in jail for violation of the humans rights. The excuse of this people for voting was because they knew her father and he did "good", because he defeated Shinning Path (a terrorist group) but they forgot all the awful things he did too. The new generation of voter voted for a brighter future, for not making the same mistakes we have been making for the last 100 years. So to get to my point, maybe sometimes the older are not the wiser, at lest not in my country where education is lacking and we stick to what we know, not what is new. Because new is scary.