Whenever I hear a recording of my voice 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Looked it up a while back (so I can't remember the source). Essentially you hear your voice conducted through the bones of your skull, but every other person hears your voice conducted through air. The difference in conducting medium is what accounts for the difference. So no one really knows how your voice sounds to you.
The most effective Parenting tool in Mexican history 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Growing up in Nigeria it was the cane you had to fear. Essentially a long, flexible piece of wood. The thin ones could leave a welt that would sting for hours but broke easily. The thick ones looked mean but didn't hurt as much. For maximum effect, the medium-sized ones were best. I got many strokes of the cane cos I was a little bag of lies much of the time. Once I figured out the truth hurt far less, gone were the canes. Childhood was fun!
Brexit 15 comments
· 8 years ago
If it is mainly about immigration, then leaving the EU will do nothing to stop that. At best they won't be mandated to take a quota of the immigrants, but I doubt that will stop them from coming. It has been my experience, at least in my country, that banning something just drives it underground. Either way the vote had swung there would have been nasty ripple effects, because either way, there would have been about half of the citizenry unhappy. The only thing they can do now that the voting is over and done with is to come together and build a Britain that all of them can be happy with.
Forget Justice League, I wanna see this 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Given that Flash also has the longest stride being the adult there, I think he'll win.
Me irl 6 comments