
This dude gets it 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I think it may have something to with the perception. BLM isn't black people vs white people or black people vs police by any means. It's just bringing awareness to racially motivated injustice in law enforcement and police brutality. Deadly force should not have been used on all of these unarmed people of color. Failing to signal a lane change, selling cds or cigarettes, or getting out your ID shouldn't result in loss of life.
This dude gets it 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
As with every positive movement, there are people that come along with the wrong idea and with negative intentions that distract people from all the good the movement has the potential to do. Some would argue that because of this marring of the BLM objective by radical "followers" that the entire organization should be done away with. I'd like to assert that an incident of violence (that BLM does not advocate for btw) does not change the original purpose to which BLM was created. Just as a comparison, a spoon was created to be used as an eating utensil, but just because someone may use it to garden does not change it's original purpose. All that being said I think it's important to see BLM for what it is, not what it's been distorted and manipulated to be.
This dude gets it 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
BLM doesn't endorse violence toward police, or anyone for that matter. They advocate for the end of excessive violence toward people of color by law enforcement.
Why isn't there? Hmm 42 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Y'all. All we are taught is white history and achievement. All that society normalizes is heterosexuality. Fashion, entertainment, and media disproportionally glorify European features above other ethnicities. These days set aside for minorities are to show that there are accomplishments, achievements, history, etc. outside of what we are taught and show regularly. The purpose isn't to bring division, but to show that everyone has a place. It's about inclusion, not exclusion. Saying that these "holidays" are useless takes away from the experiences of oppressed people, further oppressing them.