Unpopular opinion these days 62 comments
· 8 years ago
Lmao photoshop? What just because she big means she's ugly lmao what a jerk. Size 0 or 28 you can have a pretty face your waist doesn't change that
Unpopular opinion these days 62 comments
· 8 years ago
I hear you other guest, people on this site are judgemental ass holes who like to pretend they're all excepting and forward thinking but still bash people for various reasons.
Unpopular opinion these days 62 comments
· 8 years ago
Fuck it, smoke, eat and do whatever you want we're all going to die one day, might as well live the life you want and stop giving a shit what people think
Seriously people.. 27 comments
· 8 years ago
It's a fucking fictional character guys, meaning it's not real,quit being a bunch of whiney bitches about a person who doesn't even exist
Hummingbird nest. Thumb for scale 4 comments
Just one down side 8 comments
· 8 years ago
She's all worries about a guys Grammer meanwhile her eyebrows are uneven as hell. Buy him a dictionary and buy your self an eyebrow kit honey.
Doesn't get much more American than this 17 comments