
Remember Xena the warrior princess? Well, take a look at her now 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
What were you trying to imply. Cause she is still fucking awesome.
Be proud 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
My life as a meme
Behold, the massive Flemish rabbit 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Is this for real?
Someone said it 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
It is kinda the most obvious. You can be fat and beautiful but you cannot be fat and healthy.
EXaaCTlY 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Ahhhh. Are male*
EXaaCTlY 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Im pretty sure everyone who comment areale. XD.
As an aspiring female chef, I often wonder this 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
You say that as if you dont get a nut off watching it everyday. And then you turn around and demean the women who participate in it. How does it make you aNY better than the port star for pretty much being a peeping tom?
Parenting is different for everyone 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
A+ is for average.
Parenting is different for everyone 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
This is the best. Taking parenting notes for the future.
Damn 16 comments
guest · 8 years ago
That was deep bro
For drivers turning or changing lanes 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Yeeeeeeeees. And if you have a Jesus fish bumper sticker... that is so not wwjd
united steaks of america 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Fuck the meat industry. Oh did I sat that? Im probably gonna get sued now.
Statement for Police 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The police should have to pass these out every time they stop someone. Because if they know that you don't know they can lie to you about it.
I got downvoted for commenting this on a pro weed post. Does anyone agree with me? 59 comments
guest · 9 years ago
We can go to space. They are about to put a colony on Mars. I'm sure they can figure out how to at least not release those toxins into the environment if they really wanted to. The only reason they aren't doing it already is cost. Do you want to breathe in that shit so that they can make more money?
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guest · 9 years ago
It's like pouring energy that could be used to put out a forest fire into putting out a candle in someone's home far far away, and calling it a day.
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guest · 9 years ago
Oh my. We totally could. As one person we are small. But enough of us willing to not allow them to take that kind of control, we are unstoppable.
Smoking out in the open will not cause cancer in non smokers seeing as the non smokers will not take in enough toxins for a long enough period of time from a brief encounter. But let's say we take this right away from smokers who contributed to a very, very small amount of carcinogens that people encounter on a daily basis. Then what? We sit satisfied while the real problem still looms in the darkness and secrecy?
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guest · 9 years ago
Ugh I give up. Consume yourselves with the smallest of matters and refuse to see how our once great nation is being bought out from underneath us. Be distracted by the shiny little problems multi billion companies dangle in front of us for the purposes of making money. Refuse to believe that this fda the people trust so dearly has no teeth against the millions of dollars being thrown at the lobbyists who convince our congressmen that they will be supported in their campaigns and their ambitions if they would just help them pass a specific law. Our generation is going to watch our middle class disappear. Forget your dreams of the white picket fence, slums and ghettos will be our future. And the worst part will be that it will be our fault for refusing to care.
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guest · 9 years ago
Fairytale while what your saying is true a lot of the ways that we as a nation began to produce foods have changed drastically. Also as I have mentioned the fda approves hundreds of chemicals each year without proof of safety. And as I have mentioned again Noone is allowed to smoke inside of a building anymore with which I completely agree. However being outside and smoking will not cause any harm to people who are close enough to smell the smoke. It dissipates far to quickly to do so.
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guest · 9 years ago
Either way I would say that these matters are more worthy of your time than a few people who are no longer allowed to smoke in closed spaces and are smoking out in an open air where u are more likely take in more carcinogens from those factories pumping out hundreds of kilograms of carcinogens per second that you cant smell.
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guest · 9 years ago
Oh and BTW any food that you consume is sprayed with this stuff whether if it's from a box or not, seeing as they all start in a field somewhere. So there is your list. However if you need more several food colorings (that had been previously approved by the fda) were found out to be cancerous and removed from the market hence the lab rat without knowledge or consent statement. There are sooooo many products that have been approved yet untested. So who knows what kinds of cancers the future holds
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guest · 9 years ago
Fat soluable pesticides for one. And if you dont know what that means, it means that you cant wash it off with water. Have you seen how the people who spray these pesticides on our food are wearing full blown hazmat suits and what we're supposed to eat the food that has been coated with that? And you can't even wash it off. Sweetie if you don't know how to look these things up youself or haven't bothered to be aware.. well. Darwinism will have its way with you.
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guest · 9 years ago
Smear all these things with carcinogens but a whiff of cigarette smoke is intolerable! "
I got downvoted for commenting this on a pro weed post. Does anyone agree with me? 59 comments
guest · 9 years ago
If your worried about cancer from taking in a whiff of cigarette smoke maybe YOU should worry about all the stuff your consuming on a daily basis rather than something you encounter every once in awhile. Which really makes you narrow minded. Ist like your saying "I shall eat and sm3ar
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guest · 9 years ago
So a few people smoking outside causes cancer to the non smoker but factories pumping out hundreds of kilograms of carcinogens per second does not? And why should the smoker have to ask permission to smoke while these giant multi billion companies dump these chemicals in the air without any consequence? Your focusing on the wrong problem. Walking by someone who is smoking is not going to cause you cancer, breathing in general will. XD
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guest · 9 years ago
You could spend your time speaking out against the real world problems that cause cancer like the shit the fda allows to be put in your food, cooking products, hair products, skin care products, etc, etc, without it actually being tested and making you their lab rats without your knowledge or consent [smoking is obviously cancerous but it's a choice and since smoking inside buildings are now illegal, second hand smoking is really no longer a viable argument and causes harm only to the user] oooooor you can spend your time speaking out against things that take away freedoms just because you don't like how it smells.
I got downvoted for commenting this on a pro weed post. Does anyone agree with me? 59 comments
guest · 9 years ago
For the people agreeing to this post, the air we breathe polluted by all the factories are more likely to give you cancer, asthma, etc, than walking by someone who is smoking. Think bigger.