
One ticket to hell, please 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Nice nick @penzija where ate you from. I mean... what town?
have any of you heard any interesting conversations on the bus? 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
And if they ended up in prison for killing one another, salsa can eat through prison bars as I heard
Black students protesting against the Vietnam War in the 60s 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
In my country we have not more than 25 Afro -Americans (we actually have less than 5 AA all the others are real black Africans). When black people come here to, idk, official government visit from Gambia or something the highest representatives of ours look at them as they're rare animals (new unknown features and color of known species) and they kinda speak slower to them and smile all the time, you know, like, I am baffled by your presence. They don't even see it as racist behaviour I kinda do. Don't let me start on plain people. Once a normal dude from Bronx or something came to my town, and everyone was Waaa, turning their heads, stare, kids jumped around him, parents urged them to "go and touch him",traffic collapsed, taking pics with him. Trust me, my black friend you know nothing of all white(or Asian) states. When they saw white folks in the 60s it was Look at those big eyes and that's all, but blacks..
I want to be as popular as this guy 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Cats like strings. I have like a thread coming out of my bed sheets and sometimes I play it like one string guitars. My cat jumps out of the deepest dream to hear it.
Oh how things have changed 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Really how can you not know about something that common. We don't even have polo team in this part of Europe probably, but nevertheless I kinda know what it is, believe it or not just by seeing it on TV, believe it or not,not more than twice. I can't believe she never saw a TV show with doorbell ringing, or heard...some weird knock knock bell ring jokes or scary tales or... Anyone ever talking about ringing the bell, twice. Even if I never saw let's say polo game I would somehow not deduce that it's like water-polo but out of water just by people talking about it as NOT handball. If someone ever mentioned door bell -what could it be? I can't believe she never added two and two. Surgeons these days.
Silky smooth 28 comments
guest · 8 years ago
She also so cute. Goddammit we need much more racial diversity in Serbia. I think we have only 5 Filipinos here and I already saw them all.
Deep political illustrations 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
by the hour believe it or not as much as my high school teachers bth. I don't know what their parents do but if they do something similar that's three and more "salaries". Child labour is cruel, I don't know about spoiled brats, but some of us "helped" our parents and grandparents make money one way or another (for example Yey we're helping with farm work, manual labor, "not dangerous machines"and sleeping on the van floor selling fake paprika powder made out of bricks) without salary. But at least I don't live in cardboard house. My grandpa lives in a house made out of straw mud and cow sh*t. I live in better house cause they made it during "golden times" with IMF loans. That's why school teachers have buck /hour now. Nooo future. We're paying our brick houses. And we payed them with free child labour.
Deep political illustrations 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
They really seem to throw their promises down the drain. But don't we all. I never meant to "lie" my bae, I really really believed I can give her all that that I promised, and I really really did my best. When she left me, I promised I'll do even "best-er" so she "reelects"me. Presidents don't have to double the effort in their second terms, it's not for ever and ever, you'll choose another guy(or gal) anyways. But with all the effort things just don't work out always.I still really really believe and really really want to make my bae happy, I really do. All I hope is she sees that so if I can't make it she knows I really tried. Politicians are not romantics but with lessened trust in them I believe that they as at least sons of their respective countries don't wanna (or at least they're not allowed by the secret services and Illuminati and reptilians) ruin their homeland for the times that are yet to come. It's really a dangerous game.
Gymnasts from North & South Korea take a selfie together. This is why we do the olympics 18 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The V is for victory. This poor girl on the left (and maybe both of them) will not be alive till the end of the week. That's why we have the Olympics. So the only person with the internet SunLord supreme Kim Jong can see this and bazooka her.
Majestic kite 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
We use the same name for both here
Limited edition 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Llama thrust horse power or donkey strength
Friends at first sight 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I'm rich. I can kidnap kids and make them do a plastic surgery to look like you three again and again. Marry me Miss Watson. I can make you happy again.
Birds building a nest 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
They have walls and shit
Right there 56 comments
guest · 8 years ago
We have specialized butcher shops in Vojvodina Serbia with NOTHING BUT horse meat. Also burgers stands. You forgot the donkeys. I'd never eat them they so cute, but they skin them alive with boiled water in the middle of street in Asia. Different strokes. They eat dogs in China, you know. Point is.. They don't eat pugs or tiny bits of chihuahuas. They specifically breed special type just for eating. We pet Vietnamese pot bellies but we can't pet mangalitza pig, they sh*t a looot and they like to wallow in it and they do have wool. But when you skin them... Mmm delicious.
definition of mentally disabled right here 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Indiangenous indigenous indigenous boohoo all you're attacking is thanksgiving guys, they came hundreds of years later when it was all almost done. By fascist (re)conquistadors, ancestors of Franciscan Spaniards between WWs and Basque suppressing fascists of today. Nueva Spania which was all the way up to Seattle and Michigan was Indianfrei. And nobody even talks about Indiangenous Siberians hundreds of thousands of them that were cleansed so orthodoxy and Russian bloodthirst could spread all the way to Canada three hundred years before mild puritans even thought of the journey. Most of us even in Europe aren't indigenous, but there's nothing we can do, we can't repopulate Europe with Basques,people from Isle of Man or Albanians. But we can hate fascists. The original fascists, proven ones, in XIV century '40s and nowadays. Know your history. It's also frei.