oh. ok. 66 comments
· 8 years ago
I think you are not quite getting Aeacus' point. This story had no reason to be a major news story, but it was spread either by people who actually thought this had been an act of oppression towards a black guy (ie. dumbfucks), or by people who are violent opponents to any form of 'political correctness' and want to find extreme examples to rally people to their disrespectful cause (ie. dumbfucks). I do not think we need to spread this kind of 'information', especially without any context, because it will just increase tension and spite between people. Divided we fall.
Everything just got more delicious 2 comments
Shits about to get (R)eal 3 comments
He has certainly done more than me 3 comments
· 8 years ago
That moment when you realize fictional characters achieving more than you is kind of okay and decide to take a nap to celebrate your being a non-fictional human ^^
Canada is beautiful 6 comments
rekt 11 comments
· 8 years ago
It actually makes sense, as Kelvin is the official scientific unit for temperature, and the metric system is used in science too. It's called the International System of Units, and in this system, every possible unit of measurement can be derived quite directly from seven base units, including the kelvin, the metre and the kilogram.
An insight on the equality debate 12 comments
· 8 years ago
I know I have seen this picture a while ago on FS and commented it, so I won't be long: this is an out-of-context (maybe fake) quote of someone who lived two and a half millenia ago, that we try to apply on things that were not considered "serious issues" at the time, like racism or patriarchy. We need a serious and very long debat with people filled with good intentions ("let's go forward together"), not one-liners.
You feeling lucky 8 comments
· 8 years ago
After a 46-hour-long uninterrupted ride, with just a Snickers bar and a small bottle of water, and the autopilot answering every one of your "Please stop, I have to pee!" demands with "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave."
I'm starting to feel like the cartoons we watched are making us weird. 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Which is probably why Slipknot has a song named Eeyore on their self-titled album.
Beautiful paintings on pennies 4 comments
Talent and dedication 6 comments
I honestly still have no clue 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Thanks, other guest. I have known how to play this for years, just because I tried and died and tried again and then was like "ooooh that's how it's meant to be done".
Measuring time 7 comments
· 9 years ago
The songs I have on my mp3 player range in length from 40 seconds to 25 minutes, so... I just can't :)
i do that to get some days off from school 2 comments
· 9 years ago
This dates back to summer of 2014, and has been kind of debunked since.
Some Of Titanic's Secrets And Facts 13 comments
· 9 years ago
9 is not really reliable: alcohol actually decreases your body temperature, making you even less resistant to being immerged in cold water.
Sounds like great advice 34 comments
· 9 years ago
In this particular order. Do not take 15 shots of vodka before trying to clean your room. Please.
People get tricked into thinking that they're trapped in an Ikea 2 comments
· 9 years ago
This would mentally scar me for life. Maybe even worse than the serial killer clowns pranks.
flat tire 8 comments
If you can vote, you should 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Other guest here.
First, why downvote this comment and upvote curtron's comment, that essentially says the exact same thing?
Second, voting is also a tool of control, because it makes a lot of people believe that politics are limited to election days. Politics are actually everything you do that is oriented tow
First, why downvote this comment and upvote curtron's comment, that essentially says the exact same thing?
Second, voting is also a tool of control, because it makes a lot of people believe that politics are limited to election days. Politics are actually everything you do that is oriented tow
Uhm if you insisted Jesus 10 comments
Somebody put realistic audio into Summer Nights in Grease 4 comments
· 9 years ago
Basically the Musicless Music Videos all over again, and it works every time! for the original ones!
hehe snoot 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Rip-off from an image that has been posted here a few days ago. Whatever gives you a hundred likes, I guess ^^
Only in Germanan, where even their chocolates are useful 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Not "only in Germany": saw a chocolate tool stand in a Christmas market in the streets of Rennes, France.
Just... Title 6 comments
Please tell me this is real 5 comments
Well, this is awkward 4 comments
· 9 years ago
Obviously a fake news report, but very funny. Especially the last sentence of the article, stating that everyone came to apologize to him but that he wouldn't stop shouting the lyrics to his hit song Dragula.
People recount what it was like to come out as gay 141 comments
· 9 years ago
Hey, other guest, fuck off. People here are trying to bring support and warmth to men and women who suffer everyday from assholes like you rejecting and despising them for their difference. FUCK. OFF.
People recount what it was like to come out as gay 141 comments
· 9 years ago
Our ability to waste energy for terrible reasons is what makes our species pretty fucked up as a whole.
Some psychological tricks for different situations 3 comments
· 9 years ago
How to manipulate people 101. (Well, not all of these "tricks", but some of them are clearly the kind of dangerous shit you are taught in business schools.)
Also, someone who never says "I believe" or "I think" clearly sounds like a prick to me. These are verbs to be avoided in motivational letters or business interviews, but not in everyday life.
Also, someone who never says "I believe" or "I think" clearly sounds like a prick to me. These are verbs to be avoided in motivational letters or business interviews, but not in everyday life.
I do it all the time 4 comments
· 9 years ago
I always (mentally) give my opinion. Sometimes, I also harshly criticize their life choices (in petto).
Most read books in the world 40 comments
· 9 years ago
Top *bought* books. A lot of people have at least one copy of The Bible but never read it a single time.
French self defense training 19 comments
· 9 years ago
I live in France and can testify this is real. This brave, bold young man is ready for battle.
Know the differences 31 comments
· 9 years ago
It's a matter of taste.
Also, about 0.1% of metalheads actually call themselves satanists, and there are lots of talented musicians playing and composing metal music, because metal is actually a wide panel of very different genres.
Also, about 0.1% of metalheads actually call themselves satanists, and there are lots of talented musicians playing and composing metal music, because metal is actually a wide panel of very different genres.
Every time I try to understand math 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Except that's not the functions you integrate. The function you integrate at first is just 1, because it's the integral of dx dy dz, meaning 1 times dx dy dz.
Deadpool 2 14 comments
· 9 years ago
When you find out that studios always make sequels for films that make an unholy amount of money.
Zebra + horse = Zorse 16 comments
My SPOON is too big 8 comments
· 9 years ago
This reminds me of the bad lip reading for the democratic debate. It was that absurd :)
It does the thing 12 comments
Something kinda important to keep in mind 2 comments