I need healing! 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Don't post league stuff. Kids will bitch about it and downvoted it to infinity. You have to post dumb shit to get any positive responses from the teenagers on here
Abandoned Soviet stuff 6 comments
Copycats everyhwere 12 comments
/adv/ on ear stretching 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Agreed or the material could be bad. Crappy jewelry from Spencer's and hot topic will do this even eBay
The issues with todays society 51 comments
· 8 years ago
People are posting sex toys and get upvoted but he post a current trend in America and gets shit talked for it. So many Tumblr fags on this website please all of you kys
I can remember my passwords for half of these 12 comments
I can remember my passwords for half of these 12 comments
It's A Reality, People 35 comments