Unpopular opinion these days 62 comments
· 8 years ago
I am all for being proud of who we are and body acceptance. Everyone should be able to embrace their flaws and make peace with them. I would, however, like to point out that, aside from being extremely unhealthy, being morbidly obese (let's call a spade a spade) is also perceived as the epitome of gluttony. And contrary to popular belief, it does affect those around you as it also comes with a plethora of side effects that might not be entirely obvious to the individual. Depression, mood swings, constant exhaustion (which from experience I can tell you will affect your work performance). Type 2 diabetes is a very real and very serious side effect of obesity, one I feel doesn't get taken seriously enough. And with this comes doctors visits, expensive medication, new glasses every two years most likely and irreparable nerve damage. I don't know if anyone really understands how terrifying nerve damage is. The fact that being obese doesn't look nice is so far from being the point.
Unpopular opinion these days 62 comments
· 8 years ago
Ad a former fat kid I fully indorse this movement. The focus should be on what's healthy.